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How to build Antistasi

HakonRydland edited this page Apr 16, 2022 · 5 revisions

How to build the Antistasi Mod (Version 2.6.0 and later)

Common setup

  • install Arma 3 Tools in the same steam library that Arma 3 is installed

With AntistasiBuilder

First time

  • run the program once, this will generate a config file called AntistasiBuilder.cfg
  • open the config file and add the path to the arma 3 tools direcotry under -a3ToolsDir
    example: -a3ToolsDir="H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools"
  • save the config file, close it.

Building the mod

  • run antistasiBuilder.
    the mod will have been built under the build folder in the repository root.

With Vs code Arma Dev Extension

First time setup

  • Install extension from marketplace
  • configure the extension from the Antistasi workspace by opening the command pallet Ctrl/ + Shift + P and running the Arma 3: configure command
  • fill in the configuration .json file something like this
	"title": "A3 Antistasi",
	"name": "A3A",
	"author": "Official Antistasi dev team",
	"website": "",
	"version": "2.5.4",
	"buildPath": "build",
	"privateKey": "", //add the path to a private bikey for signing when building
	"serverDirs": [],
	"serverUse32bit": false,
	"clientDirs": [ //should list all addons the mod provides
	"clientMods": [],
	"ftpConnection": {},
        "steamPath": "H:\\SteamLibrary" //arma 3 install steam library, arma 3 tools should be in the same folder
  • Run the command Extensions: Open Extension Folder and navigate to ole1986.arma-dev-0.0.20 -> out -> helpers -> runArma.js -> ln 54 and add '-debug' to the list
let args = [
                '2', '1', '0', '-exe', 'arma3_x64.exe',
                '-mod=' + clientMods.join(';'),
                '-world empty',
  • now run the Arma 3: Build command, this will output into your build folder with packed addons (and signed if you have a key designated)
  • run the Arma 3: Toggle code live command this will create symlinked folders in your arma directory for filepatching, allowing "live editing" of code, by editing the source files (dosnt include anything processed by the config.cpp)
  • run the Arma 3: Run client or Arma 3: Run client (with logging) command arma should start with everything ready for you, (the logging alternate will open the rpt thats created on arma launch)

With Arma 3 Tools


  • open Addon Builder from Arma 3 Tools
  • click options
    • add to List of files to copy directly this line *.p3d;*.paa;*.hpp;*.sqf
    • click the tree dots next to Path to project folder and navigate to the repository's A3A folder
    • add the prefix in the format x\A3A\{folder to build}
    • optionally add a path to a .biprivatekey for signing, this allows you to leave key verification on for dedicated server testing
  • back in the main window, add a source directory, this will be in turn each addon folder in repository -> A3A -> addons -> {folder to build}
  • and add a destination folder, this would be for example repository -> build -> @A3A -> addons
  • ensure for testing that it dosnt binarize the files
  • now to simply press build and repeat for each folder in the A3A -> addons


  • copy the folder in your build directory to your arma 3 directory (or symbolic link it, recommended)
  • in the arma 3 launcher, under the Mods tab click ...More -> Add watched folder... -> Add 'Arma 3' folder, this will automatically add local mods in yuor arma directory to your mods list for easy loading

Live editing

  • for live editing you need to create this folder structure in your arma 3 directory x\A3A\addons, and the create symbolic links from each folder in your repositorys A3A\addons folder to the one in your arma directory
  • next you need to go in your arma 3 launchers Parameters tab and under All Parameters section Advanced thick of the parameter Enable File-Pathcing, then under the section Author thick of the parameter Debug Mode (i recommend favoriting these two for ease of use later on)
  • now when you start with the build loaded under the Mods tab, it will start in Dev mode and allow for recompilation of functions on the go either by reloading the missing or by calling the function A3A_fnc_prepFunctions

How to build the Antistasi Mission (Version 2.5.3 and Earlier)

For building instructions of the outdated mission, please go here

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