Like rvm
but for PostgreSQL. Installs any of 140+ different versions of PostgreSQL for your system.
Tested on Go 1.20, git clone
this repo then go build ./cmd
PostgreSQL version manager
Usage: pvm-go [--postgres-version POSTGRES-VERSION] [--port PORT] [--database DATABASE] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--version-manager-root VERSION_MANAGER_ROOT] [--runtime-path RUNTIME-PATH] [--data-path DATA-PATH] [--binary-path BINARY-PATH] [--logs-path LOGS-PATH] [--locale LOCALE] [--binary-repository-url BINARY-REPOSITORY-URL] [--config CONFIG] [--no-config-read] [--no-config-write] [--no-remote] <command> [<args>]
download Download specified PostgreSQL version
env Print out associated environment variables
get-path One of: bin, data, log, runtime
install Install specified PostgreSQL version
install-service Install service (daemon), e.g., systemd, openrc, windows-service
ls List what versions of PostgreSQL are installed
ls-remote List what versions of PostgreSQL are available
ping Confirm server is online and auth works
reload Reload specified PostgreSQL server
start Start specified PostgreSQL server
stop Stop specific (running) PostgreSQL server
uri Print out database connection string
Common to all subcommands
--postgres-version POSTGRES-VERSION [default: latest, env: POSTGRES_VERSION]
--port PORT, -p PORT [default: 5432, env: PGPORT]
--database DATABASE, -d DATABASE [default: database, env: POSTGRES_DATABASE]
--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME [default: username, env: POSTGRES_USERNAME]
--password PASSWORD [default: password, env: POSTGRES_PASSWORD]
--version-manager-root VERSION_MANAGER_ROOT [default: $HOME/postgres-version-manager, env: VERSION_MANAGER_ROOT]
--runtime-path RUNTIME-PATH [default: $HOME/postgres-version-manager/latest/run, env: RUNTIME_PATH]
--data-path DATA-PATH [default: $HOME/postgres-version-manager/latest/data, env: PGDATA]
--binary-path BINARY-PATH [default: $HOME/postgres-version-manager/latest/bin, env: BINARY_PATH]
--logs-path LOGS-PATH [default: $HOME/postgres-version-manager/latest/logs, env: LOGS_PATH]
--locale LOCALE [default: en_US.UTF-8, env: LC_ALL]
--binary-repository-url BINARY-REPOSITORY-URL [default:, env: BINARY_REPOSITORY_URL]
--config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
Config filepath to use [default: $HOME/postgres-version-manager/pvm-config.json]
--no-config-read Do not read the config file [default: false]
--no-config-write Do not write to config file [default: false]
--no-remote Disable HTTPS calls for everything except 'install' [default: false]
--help, -h display this help and exit
--version display version and exit
Download specified PostgreSQL version
Usage: pvm-go download [POSTGRES_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
Print out associated environment variables
Usage: pvm-go env
To export to your shell on POSIX, UNIX, Linux:
export $(pvm-go env | xargs -L 1)
Or on Windows Batch:
FOR /F "tokens=4*" %%G IN ('pvm-go env') DO SET %%G
Reload specified PostgreSQL server
Usage: pvm-go reload [POSTGRES_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
Start specified PostgreSQL server
Usage: pvm-go start [--no-install] [POSTGRES_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
--no-install Inverts default of installing nonexistent version [default: false]
Stop specific (running) PostgreSQL server
Usage: pvm-go stop [POSTGRES_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
Install specified PostgreSQL version
Usage: pvm-go install [POSTGRES_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
List what versions of PostgreSQL are installed
Usage: pvm-go ls
List what versions of PostgreSQL are available
Usage: pvm-go ls-remote
Confirm server is online and auth works
Usage: pvm-go ping [POSTGRES_VERSION]
Positional arguments:
Get data path, i.e., where pg_hba and postgres.conf are for specified PostgreSQL version
Usage: pvm-go get-path [DIRECTORYTOFIND]
Positional arguments:
DIRECTORYTOFIND One of: bin, data, log, runtime
Install service (daemon), e.g., systemd, openrc, windows-service
Usage: pvm-go install-service <command> [<args>]
openrc Install OpenRC service
systemd Install systemd service
windows-service Install Windows Service
Install OpenRC service
Usage: pvm-go install-service openrc [--group GROUP] [--config-install-path CONFIG-INSTALL-PATH] [--service-install-path SERVICE-INSTALL-PATH] [--user USER]
--group GROUP [default: postgres]
--config-install-path CONFIG-INSTALL-PATH [default: /etc/conf.d/postgresql]
--service-install-path SERVICE-INSTALL-PATH [default: /etc/init.d/postgresql]
--user USER [default: postgres]
Install systemd service
Usage: pvm-go install-service systemd [--group GROUP] [--service-install-path SERVICE-INSTALL-PATH] [--user USER]
--group GROUP [default: postgres]
--service-install-path SERVICE-INSTALL-PATH [default: /etc/systemd/system/postgresql.service]
--user USER [default: postgres]
Install Windows Service
Usage: pvm-go install-service windows-service [--service-name SERVICE-NAME] [--service-description SERVICE-DESCRIPTION]
--service-name SERVICE-NAME [default: PostgreSQL]
--service-description SERVICE-DESCRIPTION [default: open-source relational database management system]
Print out database connection string
Usage: pvm-go uri
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- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
- CC0 license (LICENSE-CC0 or
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.