Welcome to my website source files. It is written in markdown mostly, using HUGO. I like to think of this as my digital garden, 90~ of the content on the website I guarantee will be work related content. But some of it might be personal, as I adapt and get better at writing and posting things of mine online.
I have ran some form of a website since 2022, and as of lately (2023) I have finally decided to take it seriously. While Im again, not a true tech blogger, and I doubt there will be any rants on here, your free to take a browse and enjoy my website as is.
If you have any questions or comments please let me know.
Thanks : )
--- Joshua Winters-Brown
hugo -b https://unorthodoxdev.net
To generate a development release of the website, run the following (Note that this will automatically host the website for you on port 1313):
hugo -D
To make a new page, please run the following commands
hugo new content/yadayada --kind {page, recipe}