Logging library, capabable of logging to different channels from each logger
The logger is configured once globallby via a logger manager.
Afterwards, one can create as many logs as he wants, each log is tagged with the channel name which will be a part of the output
All the log output will be dumped to the sinks that were registered on the global manager
Currently the log supports the following log sinks
- ConsoleSink
- SysLogSink
- FileSink
- CloudWatchSink - Only compiled with OCTO_LOGGER_WITH_AWS flag on and aws-sdk-cpp libraries
- CustomSink - Interface for custom sinks that the user can implement
Note that the logger works in a stream oriented c++ style
In order to use the logger, one needs to configure the loggers globally, otherwise there are no writers, and nothing will be written anywhere
In order to do so, we will use the PSManager:
auto config = std::make_shared<octo::logger::ManagerConfig>();
config->set_option(octo::logger::ManagerConfig::LoggerOption::DEFAULT_CHANNEL_LEVEL, static_cast<int>(octo::logger::Log::LogLevel::DEBUG));
octo::logger::SinkConfig file_sink("File", octo::logger::SinkConfig::SinkType::FILE_SINK);
octo::logger::SinkConfig console_sink("Console", octo::logger::SinkConfig::SinkType::CONSOLE_SINK);
file_writer_config.set_option(octo::logger::SinkConfig::SinkOption::FILE_LOG_FILES_PATH, "/tmp/test");
This will configure the log level to be defaulted debug for all channels, each channel can also configure its own log level
The sinks will be the filesink and consolesink, each sink has a predefined set of options which can be changed
Once the configuration is done, we set the manager with this config and can now use the logger as follows
octo::logger::Logger logger("Test");
logger.debug() << "A";
logger.info() << "B";
logger.notice() << "C";
logger.warning() << "D";
logger.error() << "E";
logger.debug("ID1") << "A WITH ID";
logger.info("ID2") << "B WITH ID";
logger.notice("ID3") << "C WITH ID";
logger.warning("ID4") << "D WITH ID";
logger.error("ID5") << "E WITH ID";
logger.log(octo::logger::Log::LogLevel::ERROR, "ID") << "GENERAL";
octo::logger::Manager::instance().global_logger().info() << "GLOBAL";
The logger also supports AWS related loggings using cloudwatch
To use that, you need to consume / compile octo-logger with aws-sdk-cpp
To do so with conan:
conan install . -o with_aws=True --build=aws-sdk-cpp
Note that building of aws-sdk-cpp might not be needed if AWS SDK is compiled with the logs SDK
Once the octo logger is compiled with AWS support, we can use it as follows:
// Init AWS
Aws::SDKOptions options;
options.loggingOptions.logLevel = settings_->logging_settings().aws_log_level();
options.loggingOptions.logger_create_fn = octo::logger::aws::AwsLogSystem::instance;
if (!Aws::Utils::Logging::GetLogSystem())
// Add and configure cloudwatch log sink
octo::logger::aws::CloudWatchSink::LogGroupTags log_group_tags{
{"product", "octo"}
std::string task_id = "local-task-"s + uuids::to_string(uuids::uuid_system_generator{}());
if (auto task_md = octo::aws::ECSTaskMetadata::retrieve())
task_id = "task-"s + task_md->task_id();
std::string log_group_name = "/octo";
octo::logger::SinkConfig cloudwatch_config("Cloudwatch", octo::logger::SinkConfig::SinkType::CUSTOM_SINK);
octo::logger::SinkPtr cloudwatch_sink = std::make_shared<octo::logger::aws::CloudWatchSink>(