Coursera course: HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers; Module 4 Assignment
Summary: In this assignment, you are going to loop over an array of names and print out either hello or goodbye to that name to the browser console. If the name starts with the letter j or J, you are to print out Goodbye JSomeName. If the name starts with any other letter, you are to print out Hello SomeName.
However, in order to do that printing you will have to use 2 externally provided libraries whose code is not 100% ready to be used. Using the things we've learned in this module, your job will be to fix the code in those libraries.
You will get some starter code to work with where all the steps of what you need to do are clearly spelled out for you.
Here is what you will need to do in order to complete the assignment:
Once the local repository on your system is up to date, YOU HAVE A CHOICE! If you want a slightly more challenging assignment, use the code in the "harder" folder as your starting point. If you want a slightly less challenging assignment, use the code in the "easier" folder as your starting point. The difference between the two starting points is that in the "easier" starting point, there are a few steps that are already completed for you.
Harder: If you want a slightly more challenging assignment, copy all the contents of the fullstack-course4/assignments/assignment4/assignment4-solution-starter/harder folder into your newly created solutions container folder for this assignment, e.g., 'module4-solution'.
Easier: If you want a slightly less challenging assignment, copy all the contents of the fullstack-course4/assignments/assignment4/assignment4-solution-starter/easier folder into your newly created solutions container folder for this assignment, e.g., 'module4-solution'.
NOTE: the provided starter code will not run. It is up to you to follow the instructions to get it to run. Once you've copied the starter code of your choice into your solution folder, open up your solution folder in the code editor. Open up the script.js file and follow the steps.
When you are continuously working on the assignment, use Browser Sync and keep Chrome open to the Console tab of the Chrome Developer Tools. You will likely see errors there to start with. Follow the steps outlined in the starter code and those errors should go away by the time you finish the last step. If you still see errors at that point or you are not seeing the output you're supposed to see, you probably made a mistake somewhere, so look into that and investigate.
That's it!