Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Unstructuctured News Data with NLP
This repository provides Python codes and Jupyter Notebooks for the Dow Jones applied research paper "Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Unstructured News Data with NLP — Understanding Advanced Analytics through Real-World Case Studies".
To download the PDF version of the paper visit http://go.dowjones.com/dna-research-paper.
The instructions that follow assume that you run a Docker container or a cloud instance with the latest version of Ubunutu (18.10 at the time of this writing).
The following assumes that you have set up a cloud instance (e.g. on DigitalOcean) and have used ssh
to login as root
or have started a Docker container locally. To start a Docker container locally e.g. execute on the shell:
docker run -ti -h dnanlp -p 9999:9999 ubuntu:latest /bin/bash
Then on the shell of the Docker container or the cloud instance execute the following:
cd root
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y wget
wget http://hilpisch.com/nlp/setup_dna_nlp.sh
bash setup_dna_nlp.sh
Follow the instructions of the script to e.g. provide a password for the Jupyter Notebook server.
After the installation, you can access the Jupyter Notebook server under
with your chosen password. Navigate via Jupyter to the code folder and open a notebook to get started.
All codes and Jupyter notebooks come with no representations or warranties, to the extent permitted by applicable law. The codes and Jupyter notebooks are for illustration purposes only.
© Dr. Yves J. Hilpisch | The Python Quants GmbH
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