An extremely simple random D&D 3.5 character generator
Currently creates 1st level characters quickly and efficiently. Not all characters are balanced, but most fall into the "playable" category at least (except the poor 17int 9str 9dex monks, rangers, and paladins). Generates everything but skills and spells currently, although both of those will change soon.
Easy to modify, written entirely in JS and JQuery. Working on making it more scalable. After feats and skills are fully integrated, I'm hoping to add a portrait generator. May end up redoing the entire thing in Node in a few weeks.
Provides randomly generated:
Names, both first and last
Hit Points
Changes ability scores based on class. A wizard, for instance, always puts his highest into intelligence, while a fighter automatically decides between strength or dexterity, producing a wide variety of possible builds.
Bad code style, not really asynchronous enough.