Static webpage script which sends data to your desired E-mail without using any Servers. It is mainly useful for contact Us form in static website like GithubPages or any static hosted webpages.
- AWS Lambda function
- AWS API Gateway
Go to Lambda Console
- Create function and click on blueprint and choose any basic nodejs blueprint.
- Click on configure and choose Create a new role with basic Lambda permissions and click on function.
- Now go to Function code and copy paste code from LambdaFunction.js from my GitHub repo.
- Add your own email on Line 3 and 4 also edit data on Line 27 and 32 according to your form inputs.
Go to Simple Email Service(SES) console
- Click on email address and complete verification process of your email id used above.
Go to IAM Management Console 6. Click on Roles and you will see new role with multiple numbers and letters attached to it ,Click on it. 7. Click on attach policies and add AmazonSESFullAccess and AWSLambdaExecute policies.
Go to API Gateway console
- Click on create API and Select REST API and in settings add any API name and click on create API
Now we have to create Resource, Method, Stage, and deploy our function
Click on Actions and then Create Resources use any Resource name and check Enable API Gateway CORS.
Now click on Actions and then Create Method choose POST check on Lambda Function for Integration type and for lambda function type lambda function name which was create earlier. Your screen should look like this-
Click on Actions and then Enable CORS and under Access-Control-Allow-Origin use your Website/WebPage URL(without / at the end) and Click on Enable CORS and replace existing CORS headers
Click on Action and then Deploy API and Create new stage with any name and click on Deploy.
Click on POST and copy Invoke URL
- Add script from nastycontactscript.js from my Repo into head part of your HTML file or if you are using specific js file for Javascript then paste into that
- Make changes on Line 3,4 and 5 and if you are using more fields then create variable and do add their id into that.
- Done
- Send Confirmation Email to users email