This module handles opinionated Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Engine cluster creation and configuration with Node Pools, IP MASQ, Network Policy, etc.
The resources/services/activations/deletions that this module will create/trigger are:
- Create a GKE cluster with the provided addons
- Create GKE Node Pool(s) with provided configuration and attach to cluster
- Replace the default kube-dns configmap if
are provided - Activate network policy if
is true - Add
configmap with providednon_masquerade_cidrs
is true
There are multiple examples included in the examples folder but simple usage is as follows:
module "gke" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google"
project_id = "<PROJECT ID>"
name = "gke-test-1"
region = "us-central1"
zones = ["us-central1-a", "us-central1-b", "us-central1-f"]
network = "vpc-01"
subnetwork = "us-central1-01"
ip_range_pods = "us-central1-01-gke-01-pods"
ip_range_services = "us-central1-01-gke-01-services"
http_load_balancing = false
horizontal_pod_autoscaling = true
kubernetes_dashboard = true
network_policy = true
node_pools = [
name = "default-node-pool"
machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
min_count = 1
max_count = 100
disk_size_gb = 100
disk_type = "pd-standard"
image_type = "COS"
auto_repair = true
auto_upgrade = true
service_account = "project-service-account@<PROJECT ID>"
preemptible = false
node_pools_labels = {
all = {}
default-node-pool = {
default-node-pool = "true"
node_pools_taints = {
all = []
default-node-pool = [
key = "default-node-pool"
value = "true"
node_pools_tags = {
all = []
default-node-pool = [
Then perform the following commands on the root folder:
terraform init
to get the pluginsterraform plan
to see the infrastructure planterraform apply
to apply the infrastructure buildterraform destroy
to destroy the built infrastructure
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
description | The description of the cluster | string | `` | no |
horizontal_pod_autoscaling | Enable horizontal pod autoscaling addon | string | false |
no |
http_load_balancing | Enable httpload balancer addon | string | true |
no |
ip_masq_link_local | Whether to masquerade traffic to the link-local prefix ( | string | false |
no |
ip_masq_resync_interval | The interval at which the agent attempts to sync its ConfigMap file from the disk. | string | 60s |
no |
ip_range_pods | The secondary ip range to use for pods | string | - | yes |
ip_range_services | The secondary ip range to use for pods | string | - | yes |
kubernetes_dashboard | Enable kubernetes dashboard addon | string | false |
no |
kubernetes_version | The Kubernetes version of the masters. If set to 'latest' it will pull latest available version in the selected region. | string | latest |
no |
logging_service | The logging service that the cluster should write logs to. Available options include, (beta), and none | string | |
no |
maintenance_start_time | Time window specified for daily maintenance operations in RFC3339 format | string | 05:00 |
no |
master_authorized_networks_config | The desired configuration options for master authorized networks. Omit the nested cidr_blocks attribute to disallow external access (except the cluster node IPs, which GKE automatically whitelists) ### example format ### master_authorized_networks_config = [{ cidr_blocks = [{ cidr_block = "" display_name = "example_network" }], }] |
list | <list> |
no |
monitoring_service | The monitoring service that the cluster should write metrics to. Automatically send metrics from pods in the cluster to the Google Cloud Monitoring API. VM metrics will be collected by Google Compute Engine regardless of this setting Available options include, (beta) and none | string | |
no |
name | The name of the cluster (required) | string | - | yes |
network | The VPC network to host the cluster in (required) | string | - | yes |
network_policy | Enable network policy addon | string | false |
no |
network_project_id | The project ID of the shared VPC's host (for shared vpc support) | string | `` | no |
node_pools | List of maps containing node pools | list | <list> |
no |
node_pools_labels | Map of maps containing node labels by node-pool name | map | <map> |
no |
node_pools_tags | Map of lists containing node network tags by node-pool name | map | <map> |
no |
node_pools_taints | Map of lists containing node taints by node-pool name | map | <map> |
no |
node_version | The Kubernetes version of the node pools. Defaults kubernetes_version (master) variable and can be overridden for individual node pools by setting the version key on them. Must be empyty or set the same as master at cluster creation. |
string | `` | no |
non_masquerade_cidrs | List of strings in CIDR notation that specify the IP address ranges that do not use IP masquerading. | list | <list> |
no |
project_id | The project ID to host the cluster in (required) | string | - | yes |
region | The region to host the cluster in (required) | string | - | yes |
regional | Whether is a regional cluster (zonal cluster if set false. WARNING: changing this after cluster creation is destructive!) | string | true |
no |
service_account | The service account to default running nodes as if not overridden in node_pools . Defaults to the compute engine default service account |
string | `` | no |
stub_domains | Map of stub domains and their resolvers to forward DNS queries for a certain domain to an external DNS server | map | <map> |
no |
subnetwork | The subnetwork to host the cluster in (required) | string | - | yes |
zones | The zones to host the cluster in (optional if regional cluster / required if zonal) | list | <list> |
no |
Name | Description |
ca_certificate | Cluster ca certificate (base64 encoded) |
endpoint | Cluster endpoint |
horizontal_pod_autoscaling_enabled | Whether horizontal pod autoscaling enabled |
http_load_balancing_enabled | Whether http load balancing enabled |
kubernetes_dashboard_enabled | Whether kubernetes dashboard enabled |
location | Cluster location (region if regional cluster, zone if zonal cluster) |
logging_service | Logging service used |
master_authorized_networks_config | Networks from which access to master is permitted |
master_version | Current master kubernetes version |
min_master_version | Minimum master kubernetes version |
monitoring_service | Monitoring service used |
name | Cluster name |
network_policy_enabled | Whether network policy enabled |
node_pools_names | List of node pools names |
node_pools_versions | List of node pools versions |
region | Cluster region |
type | Cluster type (regional / zonal) |
zones | List of zones in which the cluster resides |
Before this module can be used on a project, you must ensure that the following pre-requisites are fulfilled:
- Terraform and kubectl are installed on the machine where Terraform is executed.
- The Service Account you execute the module with has the right permissions.
- The Compute Engine and Kubernetes Engine APIs are active on the project you will launch the cluster in.
- If you are using a Shared VPC, the APIs must also be activated on the Shared VPC host project and your service account needs the proper permissions there.
The project factory can be used to provision projects with the correct APIs active and the necessary Shared VPC connections.
- kubectl 1.9.x
- Terraform 0.10.x
- terraform-provider-google plugin v1.8.0
In order to execute this module you must have a Service Account with the following project roles:
- roles/compute.viewer
- roles/container.clusterAdmin
- roles/container.developer
- roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
In order to operate with the Service Account you must activate the following APIs on the project where the Service Account was created:
- Compute Engine API -
- Kubernetes Engine API -
Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (0.10.x), you can choose the binary here:
The project has the following folders and files:
- /: root folder
- /examples: examples for using this module
- /scripts: Scripts for specific tasks on module (see Infrastructure section on this file)
- /test: Folders with files for testing the module (see Testing section on this file)
- / main file for this module, contains all the resources to create
- / all the variables for the module
- / the outputs of the module
- /readme.MD: this file
- bundler
- gcloud
- terraform-docs 0.3.0
make generate_docs
Integration tests are run though test-kitchen, kitchen-terraform, and InSpec.
Six test-kitchen instances are defined:
The test-kitchen instances in test/fixtures/
wrap identically-named examples in the examples/
- Configure the test fixtures
- Download a Service Account key with the necessary permissions and put it in the module's root directory with the name
. - Build the Docker containers for testing:
CREDENTIALS_FILE="credentials.json" make docker_build_terraform
CREDENTIALS_FILE="credentials.json" make docker_build_kitchen_terraform
- Run the testing container in interactive mode:
make docker_run
The module root directory will be loaded into the Docker container at /cftk/workdir/
5. Run kitchen-terraform to test the infrastructure:
kitchen create
creates Terraform state and downloads modules, if converge
creates the underlying resources. Runkitchen converge <INSTANCE_NAME>
to create resources for a specific test verify
tests the created infrastructure. Runkitchen verify <INSTANCE_NAME>
to run a specific test destroy
tears down the underlying resources created bykitchen converge
. Runkitchen destroy <INSTANCE_NAME>
to tear down resources for a specific test case.
Alternatively, you can simply run CREDENTIALS_FILE="credentials.json" make test_integration_docker
to run all the test steps non-interactively.
Each test-kitchen instance is configured with a variables.tfvars
file in the test fixture directory, e.g. test/fixtures/node_pool/terraform.tfvars
For convenience, since all of the variables are project-specific, these files have been symlinked to test/fixtures/shared/terraform.tfvars
Similarly, each test fixture has a
to define these variables, and an
to facilitate providing necessary information for inspec
to locate and query against created resources.
Each test-kitchen instance creates a GCP Network and Subnetwork fixture to house resources, and may create any other necessary fixture data as needed.
make generate_docs
The makefile in this project will lint or sometimes just format any shell, Python, golang, Terraform, or Dockerfiles. The linters will only be run if the makefile finds files with the appropriate file extension.
All of the linter checks are in the default make target, so you just have to run
make -s
The -s is for 'silent'. Successful output looks like this
Running shellcheck
Running flake8
Running go fmt and go vet
Running terraform validate
Running hadolint on Dockerfiles
Checking for required files
Testing the validity of the header check
Ran 2 tests in 0.026s
Checking file headers
The following lines have trailing whitespace
The linters are as follows:
- Shell - shellcheck. Can be found in homebrew
- Python - flake8. Can be installed with 'pip install flake8'
- Golang - gofmt. gofmt comes with the standard golang installation. golang is a compiled language so there is no standard linter.
- Terraform - terraform has a built-in linter in the 'terraform validate' command.
- Dockerfiles - hadolint. Can be found in homebrew