This modules makes it easy to set up a scheduled job to trigger events/run functions.
You can go to the examples folder, however the usage of the module could be like this in your own file:
module "scheduled-function" {
source = "terraform-google-modules/scheduled-functions/google"
version = "0.1.0"
project_id = "<PROJECT ID>"
Then perform the following commands on the root folder:
terraform init
to get the pluginsterraform plan
to see the infrastructure planterraform apply
to apply the infrastructure buildterraform destroy
to destroy the built infrastructure
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
bucket_name | The name to apply to the bucket. Will default to a string of -scheduled-function-XXXX> with XXXX being random characters. | string | "" |
no |
function_available_memory_mb | The amount of memory in megabytes allotted for the function to use. | string | "256" |
no |
function_description | The description of the function. | string | "Processes log export events provided through a Pub/Sub topic subscription." |
no |
function_entry_point | The name of a method in the function source which will be invoked when the function is executed. | string | n/a | yes |
function_environment_variables | A set of key/value environment variable pairs to assign to the function. | map | <map> |
no |
function_event_trigger_failure_policy_retry | A toggle to determine if the function should be retried on failure. | string | "false" |
no |
function_labels | A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the function. | map | <map> |
no |
function_name | The name to apply to the function | string | n/a | yes |
function_runtime | The runtime in which the function will be executed. | string | "nodejs6" |
no |
function_source_archive_bucket_labels | A set of key/value label pairs to assign to the function source archive bucket. | map | <map> |
no |
function_source_directory | The contents of this directory will be archived and used as the function source. | string | n/a | yes |
function_timeout_s | The amount of time in seconds allotted for the execution of the function. | string | "60" |
no |
job_description | Addition text to describet the job | string | "" |
no |
job_name | The name of the scheduled job to run | string | n/a | yes |
job_schedule | The job frequency, in cron syntax | string | "*/2 * * * *" |
no |
message_data | The data to send in the topic message. | string | "dGVzdA==" |
no |
project_id | The ID of the project where this VPC will be created | string | n/a | yes |
region | The region in which resources will be applied. | string | n/a | yes |
topic_name | Name of pubsub topic connecting the scheduled job and the function | string | "test-topic" |
no |
Name | Description |
name | The name of the job created |
- Terraform 0.11.x
- terraform-provider-google plugin v2.1
Note that this module requires App Engine being configured in the specified project/region. This is because Google Cloud Scheduler is dependent on the project being configured with App Engine. Refer to the Google Cloud Scheduler documentation for more information on the App Engine dependency.
The recommended way to create projects with App Engine enabled is via the Project Factory module. There is an example of how to create the project within that module
In order to execute this module you must have a Service Account with the following roles.
- roles/storage.admin
- roles/pubsub.editor
- roles/cloudscheduler.admin
- roles/cloudfunctions.developer
- roles/iam.serviceAccountUser
In order to operate with the Service Account you must activate the following API on the project where the Service Account was created:
- Cloud Scheduler API -
- Cloud PubSub API -
- Cloud Functions API -
Be sure you have the correct Terraform version (0.11.x), you can choose the binary here:
- docker
- terraform-docs 0.6.0
It is recommended to to run the integration tests via docker. To do so, run make test_integration_docker
. In containers, this will
- Perform
terraform init
command - Perform
terraform get
command - Perform
terraform validate
command - Perform
terraform apply -auto-approve
command and check that it has created the appropriate resources - Perform
terraform destroy -force
command and check that it has destroyed the appropriate resources
make generate_docs
The makefile in this project will lint or sometimes just format any shell, Python, golang, Terraform, or Dockerfiles. The linters will only be run if the makefile finds files with the appropriate file extension.
All of the linter checks are in the default make target, so you just have to run
make -s
The -s is for 'silent'. Successful output looks like this
Running shellcheck
Running flake8
Running gofmt
Running terraform validate
Running hadolint on Dockerfiles
Test passed - Verified all file Apache 2 headers
The linters are as follows:
- Shell - shellcheck. Can be found in homebrew
- Python - flake8. Can be installed with 'pip install flake8'
- Golang - gofmt. gofmt comes with the standard golang installation. golang is a compiled language so there is no standard linter.
- Terraform - terraform has a built-in linter in the 'terraform validate' command.
- Dockerfiles - hadolint. Can be found in homebrew