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@torkus torkus released this 11 Jun 01:55
· 60 commits to develop since this release


  • added 'stats' that serves to centralise a bunch of numbers used internally that might be interesting to the user.
    • see the more stats button in the bottom left corner.
  • Github rate limit information is now fetched as part of the stats.
  • manually refreshing the user catalogue will now switch to the log pane before doing so.
    • the intent is to show that something is happening.
    • see: Catalogue -> Refresh user catalogue
  • new (opt-in) preference to automaticaly refresh the user-catalogue every 28 days.
    • the user-catalogue are addons added to strongbox using File -> Import addon or by 'starring' a regular addon.
    • see: Preferences -> Keep user catalogue updated.
  • added a "clear" button to the addons search that removes all search filters, including search terms.
  • added new column for installed addons "starred" that will add an installed addon to the 'user-catalogue'.
    • star button disabled when addon is being ignored or isn't matched against the catalogue.
  • new column for installed addons "size" with the total size of the addon on disk, including any grouped addons.
    • see: View -> Columns -> size
  • user.clj, where the REPL will take you by default during development.
    • this lets me separate some development dependencies and logic from what is released.


  • the main window is now always split with the bottom pane hidden by default.
    • if can be dragged open or toggled open by either of the two status bar buttons.
  • clicking the status bar buttons to open the bottom pane is now much quicker.
  • refreshing the user-catalogue now checks imported/starred addons against the full catalogue before checking online.
    • if it fails to find addon in catalogue, it will fall back to checking online like before.
    • the user-catalogue was originally for imported addons without a catalogue (github, gitlab) but is now also for 'starred' addons. Refreshing it now that we have a Github catalogue is much faster.
  • menu labels for the installed addons table columns have been tweaked (see View -> Columns)
    • "installed" is now "installed version"
    • "available" is now "available version"
    • "version" is now "installed+available version"
    • "WoW" is now "game version (WoW)"
  • the "fat" column profile now uses the "installed" and "available" columns rather than the combined "version" column.
  • the "fat" column profile includes the new "starred" and "size" columns.
    • see: View -> Columns -> fat
  • jlink compress=2 changed to jlink compress=1 during the building of the linux AppImage.
    • 2 means "zip", which interferes with the final AppImage compression.
    • this shaves off ~7MB from the final AppImage.
  • replaced the compressed, static, "emergency" catalogue with a simple JSON string.
    1. it wasn't working at compile time like I thought.
    2. regular strings are more compressible ultimately when building an AppImage.
  • bumped dependencies.
    • removed apache.commons.compressors as no longer required.
  • some dependencies used for development are no longer bundled during release.
  • strongbox release data will only be downloaded once the app has finished loading.
  • strongbox release data will only be downloaded once per-session.
    • it would previously re-attempt to download the release data on failure endlessly.


  • search tab filter buttons are now a uniform height.
  • key column in the addon detail "raw data" widget is now wide enough for the text "supported game tracks".
  • updated column in the installed addon tab is now wide enough for the text "12 months ago".
  • possible cache stampede fetching strongbox release info. A lock is now acquired to ensure checks happen sequentially.
    • it was possible for the GUI to fire off many requests to Github simultaneously, bypassing cache and overwriting each other.


  • Tukui support. Tukui addons are:
    • no longer checked for updates.
    • excluded from being imported.
    • excluded from the user-catalogue.
    • no longer scraped from the API into a catalogue.
    • no longer present in the "full" or "short" catalogues.
    • excluded from search results.
    • removed from the 'emergency' (built-in, hardcoded) catalogue (used when remote catalogues are unavailable).
    • removed from lists of available addon hosts to switch an addon between.