FFIDJI is a Foreign Function Interface code generator.
You can use it to automatically generate bindings for simple to complex types and delegates between different languages, like calling Rust or C native code from C# for instance.
(It actually works the same way with several different languages, checkout documentation to see what's supported)
- C# to RUST
- C# to C/C++
Many more to come!
Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Ratio | RatioSD | Gen 0 | Gen 1 | Allocated |
Concat Managed | 13.90 ns | 0.361 ns | 0.822 ns | 1.00 | 0.00 | 0.0076 | - | 48 B |
Concat FFIDJI | 303.69 ns | 6.162 ns | 10.296 ns | 21.87 | 1.44 | 0.0076 | - | 48 B |
Concat Protobuf Grpc | 217,729.81 ns | 4,329.875 ns | 7,807.658 ns | 15,756.08 | 1,126.16 | 1.4648 | 0.4883 | 9,795 B |
''' |
<Interface name="SampleInterface">
<!--define your custom types-->
<Type name="PairToSum">
<Field name="a" type="int32"/>
<Field name="b" type="int32"/>
<Type name="ArrayToSum">
<Field name="intsToSum" type="int32" array="true"/>
<!--define your methods-->
<Method name="Sum">
<Parameter name="A" type="int32"/>
<Parameter name="B" type="int32"/>
<Return name="C" type="int32"/>
<Method name="SumPair">
<Parameter name="input" type="PairToSum"/>
<Return name="sum" type="int32"/>
<Method name="SumArray">
<Parameter name="input" type="ArrayToSum"/>
<Return name="sum" type="int32"/>
ffidji -f csharp MyCsharpProject/MyGeneratedInterface.cs -t c MyCppProject/MyHeader.h -i MyInterface.xml
// Autogenerated by FFIDJI
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using int8 = System.SByte;
using uint8 = System.Byte;
using int16 = System.Int16;
using uint16 = System.UInt16;
using int32 = System.Int32;
using uint32 = System.UInt32;
using int64 = System.Int64;
using uint64 = System.UInt64;
using float16 = System.Half;
using float32 = System.Single;
using float64 = System.Double;
namespace FFIDJI
public static class SampleInterface
public const string LIBRARY_NAME = "MyNativeLibrary.dll";
private readonly struct Arr<T>
public readonly IntPtr ptr;
public readonly int size;
public Arr(IntPtr ptr, int size)
this.ptr = ptr;
this.size = size;
private unsafe static T[] CopyArray<T>(IntPtr ptr, int size) where T : unmanaged
int length = size * Marshal.SizeOf<T>();
T[] array = new T[size];
void* u_src = ptr.ToPointer();
fixed (T* u_dst = &array[0])
Unsafe.CopyBlock(u_dst, u_src, (uint)length);
return array;
private static T[] Convert<T>(Arr<T> arr) where T : unmanaged
return CopyArray<T>(arr.ptr, arr.size);
private static T Convert<T>(T obj) where T : unmanaged
return obj;
private unsafe static Arr<T> Convert<T>(T[] array) where T : unmanaged
int length = array.Length * sizeof(T);
IntPtr ptr = Alloc(length);
void* u_dst = ptr.ToPointer();
fixed (T* u_src = &array[0])
Unsafe.CopyBlock(u_dst, u_src, (uint)length);
return new Arr<T>(ptr, array.Length);
[DllImport(LIBRARY_NAME, EntryPoint = "Free_FFI")]
private static extern void Free(IntPtr ptr);
[DllImport(LIBRARY_NAME, EntryPoint = "Alloc_FFI")]
private static extern IntPtr Alloc(int length);
public struct PairToSum
public int32 a;
public int32 b;
public struct ArrayToSum
public int32[] intsToSum;
private static unsafe void Free(ArrayToSum_FFI input)
private struct ArrayToSum_FFI
public Arr<int32> intsToSum;
private static ArrayToSum Convert(ArrayToSum_FFI data_FFI)
return new ArrayToSum
intsToSum = Convert(data_FFI.intsToSum),
private static ArrayToSum_FFI Convert(ArrayToSum data)
return new ArrayToSum_FFI
intsToSum = Convert(data.intsToSum),
private unsafe static ArrayToSum[] Convert(Arr<ArrayToSum_FFI> arr)
var array_ffi = CopyArray<ArrayToSum_FFI>(arr.ptr, arr.size);
var array = new ArrayToSum[arr.size];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.size; ++i) array[i] = Convert(array_ffi[i]);
return array;
[DllImport(LIBRARY_NAME, EntryPoint = "Sum")]
private extern static int32 Sum_FFI(int32 A, int32 B);
public static int32 Sum(int32 A, int32 B)
var A_ffi = Convert(A);
var B_ffi = Convert(B);
var result_ffi = Sum_FFI(A_ffi, B_ffi);
var result = Convert(result_ffi);
return result;
[DllImport(LIBRARY_NAME, EntryPoint = "SumPair")]
private extern static int32 SumPair_FFI(PairToSum input);
public static int32 SumPair(PairToSum input)
var input_ffi = Convert(input);
var result_ffi = SumPair_FFI(input_ffi);
var result = Convert(result_ffi);
return result;
[DllImport(LIBRARY_NAME, EntryPoint = "SumArray")]
private extern static int32 SumArray_FFI(ArrayToSum_FFI input);
public static int32 SumArray(ArrayToSum input)
var input_ffi = Convert(input);
var result_ffi = SumArray_FFI(input_ffi);
var result = Convert(result_ffi);
return result;
You only need to implement generated interface!
// Autogenerated by FFIDJI
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
typedef int8_t int8;
typedef uint8_t uint8;
typedef int16_t int16;
typedef uint16_t uint16;
typedef int32_t int32;
typedef uint32_t uint32;
typedef long int64;
typedef unsigned long uint64;
typedef float float32;
typedef double float64;
__declspec(dllexport) inline void* Alloc_FFI(int32 length)
return (void*)malloc(length);
__declspec(dllexport) inline void Free_FFI(void* ptr)
struct PairToSum
int32 a;
int32 b;
struct ArrayToSum
int32* intsToSum_ptr;
int intsToSum_len;
__declspec(dllexport) int32 Sum(int32 A, int32 B);
__declspec(dllexport) int32 SumPair(PairToSum input);
__declspec(dllexport) int32 SumArray(ArrayToSum input);
#ifdef __cplusplus
See The Rust FFI Omnibus for more info on how to marshal to rust