A container that extracts from AI (Assisted Installer) Generated ISO and populate a IPXE bootable script and medium files.
Make sure you that you have downloaded your ISO or have a valid URL for it.
an example usage if you have downloaded the image already:
this assumes that your image is located under /var/tmp/ai and its called image.iso
podman run -v /var/tmp/ai:/data:Z -it --rm quay.io/ohadlevy/ai-ipxe
or let the container download the iso for you.
# ISO_URL is where the Assisted Installer ISO for your cluster is located
# BASE_URL is where your iPXE files will be hosted
podman run -e BASE_URL=$(hostname):8080 -e ISO_URL=http.... -v /var/tmp/ai:/data:Z --net=host -it --rm quay.io/ohadlevy/ai-ipxe
under /var/tmp/ai you would find an ipxe directory with all needed files
You would need to host these generated files over http for ipxe to access, please make sure that you know under which URL they would be accessible
if you don't have a web server, you could use
podman run -v /var/tmp/ai/ipxe:/app:ro -p 8080:8080 -d --rm bitnami/nginx:latest
you would either need to adjust the base url in /var/tmp/ai/ipxe/ipxe or to use the BASE_URL container environment variable to override.
lastly, you would need to boot ipxe, a simple way to test on a vm, while ipxe is booting, press ctrl-b and type:
chain <your base url>/ipxe
If you cannot run the container, you can run the script directly:
$ BASE_URL=http://webhost.local/ ./iso_to_ipxe path/to/image.iso
These packages are required:
dnf install -y xz gzip genisoimage file cpio
apt install -y xz-utils gzip genisoimage file cpio