Metadata from both the macro context and the runtime context of Haxe.
class Main{
static public macro function test(e:Expr){
final bake = Bake.pop();//Baking
static public function main(){
final bake = Bake.pop()://Baked
During the Macro stage, the type is called Baking
, during runtime, it's called Baked
public var is_runtime(get,null):Bool;
public var root(default,null);//Build root
//see get_build_location for guessing the current build folder
public var classpaths(default,null):Array<String>;
public var args(default,null):Array<String>;
public var id(default,null):String;//Generates a uuid in Plugin
public var defines(default,null):Array<bake.Field<String>>;
public var timestamp(default,null):String;