Set custom Safe/Lockbox/Door codes when placed and allow changing of codes
Discussion URL:
Tested as working on a blank Epoch server
This will allow players to set the code on placement/upgrade of doors, lockboxes and safes as well as changing them after they are placed.
Please, if you report issues can you please attach (on pastebin or similar) your CLIENT rpt log file as this helps find out the errors very quickly. To find this logfile:
C:\users\<YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Arma 2 OA\ArmA2OA.RPT
- This install basically assumes you have NO custom variables.sqf or compiles.sqf or fn_selfActions.sqf, I would recommend diffmerging where possible.
In mission\init.sqf find:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
and add directly below:call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\variables.sqf";
In mission\init.sqf find:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
and add directly below:call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf";
Copy the
folder from the repo to your mission folder. -
Download the
file linked below from the Community Localization GitHub and copy it to your mission folder, it is a community based localization file and contains translations for major community mods including this one.
>> Download stringTable.xml <<
Copy the
file from the repo to yourdayz_server\compile
folder -
In your
file, find this line:spawn_vehicles = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\spawn_vehicles.sqf";
Add the following after it:
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\server_changeCode.sqf";
- In your
remove this code block:if(!isNull (findDisplay 41144))then { _stateD = false; _stateV = false; if(isNil 'dayz_selectedDoor')then{_stateD = true;} else {if(isNull dayz_selectedDoor)then{_stateD = true;};}; if(isNil 'dayz_selectedVault')then{_stateV = true;} else {if(isNull dayz_selectedVault)then{_stateV = true;};}; if((_stateD) && (_stateV))then { (findDisplay 41144) closeDisplay 0; closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0;closeDialog 0; }; };
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\publicVariable.txt around line 2 find the line starting with:
5 !=(remExField|remExFP)
add this to the end of the line:!=SK_changeCode
So it will then look like this for example:
5 !=(remExField|remExFP) <CUT> !=SK_changeCode
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 19 find the line starting with:
5 createDialog !="_region = createDialog "RscDisplaySpawnSelecter";"
add this to the end of the line:!"createDialog _dialog;\n\nwaitUntil {!dialog};\n\nif (keypadCancel) exitWith {"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 createDialog !="_region = createDialog \"RscDisplaySpawnSelecter\";" <CUT> !"createDialog _dialog;\n\nwaitUntil {!dialog};\n\nif (keypadCancel) exitWith {"
In your config<yourServerName>\Battleye\scripts.txt around line 72 find the line starting with:
5 systemChat !="systemChat format[localize "str_missing_to_do_this", _x];"
add this to the end of the line:!"systemChat format[localize \"STR_CL_" !"systemChat localize \"STR_CL_"
So it will then look like this for example:
5 systemChat !="systemChat format[localize \"str_missing_to_do_this\", _x];" <CUT> !"systemChat format[localize \"STR_CL_" !"systemChat localize \"STR_CL_"