Recommandation on good practices for the preprocessing, quality control of solar radiation measurements and example of validation tools
Philippe Blanc, Alexandre Boilley, Benoit Gschwind, Adam R. Jensen, Lionel Ménard, Yves-Marie Saint-Drenan
This notebook presents the motivation behind writing the notebook. Installation of libraries used throughout this notebook.
Chapter 1: Description of the netcdf dataformat used for the solar radiation measurements
In this chapter we provide a description of the structure of the netcdf used to store solar data. The data are uploaded in this format on a Thredds Data SErver (TDS), whose functionalities are exploited in the later part of this notebook.
*Further work on the data format are needed to include detailed metada*
Chapter 2: Accessing solar measurements
How to access to solar measurements using a Thredds Data Server.
* we need a solution to handle the usr/pwd or change the dataset into an open source one *
Demonstrates example of good practices for preparing the data and conducting the most important QC procedures.
Chapter 4: Validation of a single satellite product at a single station
Example of validation routine for the CAMS Rad data.
* we should find an alternative to using Alexander's mail to access CAMSRAD *
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