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andychu edited this page Sep 9, 2022 · 8 revisions

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Debugging Outside the Spec Test Framework: Pass -p


test/ smoke -r 0 -p > c0      # print the test case to a file
_bin/cxx-dbg/osh_eval c0             # run the test case
gdb --args _bin/cxx-dbg/osh_eval c0  # under GDB
                                     # 'r' and 'bt' are the most useful commands

Spec Tests

Soil CI starts at soil/

This file defines all the "jobs" and "tasks" you see at

It's the entry point to dozens of shell scripts!

AST and Parse Trees

If you do anything with the AST, use the -n flag to preview it

$ bin/oil -n -c 'proc p(x, @y) { echo hi }'
  name: <p>
  sig: (proc_sig.Closed untyped:[(UntypedParam name:<Id.Expr_Name x>)] rest:<Id.Expr_Name y>)
  body: (BraceGroup children:[(C {<echo>} {<hi>})])

This is really the "LST" -- Lossless Syntax Tree Pattern

If you want to see the Oil expression parse trees, uncomment the if 0 blocks in frontend/ Those are the entry points into the Oil parser, which uses a pgen2 grammar.

$ bin/oil -n -c 'proc p(x, @y) { echo hi }'
0 oil_proc -
  0 Op_LParen None
  1 proc_params x
    0 proc_param x
      0 Expr_Name x
    1 Arith_Comma None
    2 proc_param @
      0 Expr_At @
      1 Expr_Name y
  2 Op_RParen None
  3 Op_LBrace None
  name: <p>
  sig: (proc_sig.Closed untyped:[(UntypedParam name:<Id.Expr_Name x>)] rest:<Id.Expr_Name y>)
  body: (BraceGroup children:[(C {<echo>} {<hi>})])
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