Pinch / double tap zoom-in, zoom-out for image view and at the same time handling the swipe events on the same ImageView
#How to add library :
- You can either use this as a library project (project properties->Android->add Library) or add ImageViewTouch.jar file from ImageViewTouch->bin to libs folder in your project
#How to use :
You can use ImageViewTouch in your project as follows.
First create a widget in your layout
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
Then find it from your code
ImageViewTouch mImageView = (ImageViewTouch) findViewById(;
Set how the image should adjusted
mImageView.setDisplayType( DisplayType.FIT_IF_BIGGER );
Setting listener for swipe action on image view
mImageView.setListener(new SwipeListener() {
public void onSwipeRightToLeft() {
//Perform the required action
public void onSwipeLeftToRight() {
//Perform the required action