You've found perhaps the simplest library out there for enabling drag-and-drop on your DOM elements. Just look at these impressive numbers!
- 1 file
- 40 lines
- 1 function
- 0 dependencies
- 7 billion potential users
To be honest, you could probably just copy and paste the code. Go ahead, no one's looking.
Make an element draggable with makeDraggable(element)
There's support for "handles" like title bars.
Make just the top 25 pixels accept dragging:
makeDraggable(element, {top: 25})
Make just the top, right corner accept dragging:
makeDraggable(element, {top: 25, right: 25})
(Note right now you can't make, e.g., the top and bottom grabbable at the same time. I don't imagine you would want to do that anyway.)