Project task tracking / todo list
This project is used for teaching the concepts of software testing. Specifically, testing with the pytest test framework.
The project appears in:
- The Complete pytest Course
- uses cards version 2.0.0
- Python Testing with pytest, 2nd edition
- uses cards version 1.0.1 - approximately
Even though the primary goal of the project is for teaching about software testing, I also use it as a simple command line task tracker for myself and my team.
Here's a demo of how it works:
$ cards add a todo
$ cards add -o Brian another task
$ cards list
ID state owner summary
1 todo a todo
2 todo Brian another task
$ cards update 1 -o Brian
$ cards finish 1
$ cards
ID state owner summary
1 done Brian a todo
2 todo Brian another task
$ cards delete 1
$ cards
ID state owner summary
2 todo Brian another task
$ cards --help
Usage: cards [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Cards is a small command line task tracking application.
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ add Add a card to db. │
│ config List the path to the Cards db. │
│ count Return number of cards in db. │
│ delete Remove card in db with given id. │
│ finish Set a card state to 'done'. │
│ list List cards in db. │
│ start Set a card state to 'in prog'. │
│ update Modify a card in db with given id with new info. │
│ version Return version of cards application │