Custom Meta Boxes is a framework for easily adding custom fields to the WordPress post edit page.
It includes several field types including WYSIWYG, media upload and dates (see wiki for a full list). It also supports repeatable and grouped fields.
This project is aimed at developers and is easily extended and customised. It takes a highly modular, Object Orientated approach, with each field as an extension of the CMB_Field abstract class.
The framework also features a basic layout engine for fields, allowing you to align fields to a simple 12 column grid.
- Include the custom-meta-boxes.php framework file.
- In your theme: include the CMB directory to your theme directory, and add
require_once( 'Custom-Meta-Boxes/custom-meta-boxes.php' );
to functions.php - As an MU Plugin: Refer to the WordPress Codex here for more information
- In your theme: include the CMB directory to your theme directory, and add
- Filter
to add your own meta boxes. The wiki has more details and example code
- For more information, including example code for usage of each field and instructions on how to create your own fields, refer to the Wiki.
- Not covered in the Wiki? Need more help? Get in touch.
- Found a bug? Feature requests? Create an issue - Thanks!
This plugin is maintained by Human Made Limited
It began as a fork of Custom Meta Boxes, but is no longer compatible.
- Some fields do not work well as repeatable fields.
- Some fields do not work well in repeatable groups.
- Make hooking / registering nicer.
- Add google maps field
- Add hide_on field argument
- Add Composer support
- Enhancement - enable for attachments
- Fix bug with unnatached images on custom post types
- Fix error in WYSIWYG
- Fix fields not getting correctly initialized if meta box is collapsed on page load
- Fix bug with page-template restricted meta boxes showing if the post hasn't been saved at all.
- Hook CMB in later - most post types & taxonomies should be registered then.
- Fix Issue where different default values are used on save and init.
- Fix bug - AJAX post select field displaying incorrect content.
- Initial stable version of the fork.