Bliu is a magic word created by Professor Cerginho da Pereira Nunes in his desperate times.
It means everything and nothing.
- "Ok, but could you please explain the library? 😴😒"
Yes, I can. I'm sorry that I got too excited talking about the greatest Professor Cerginho and his key to existence and I'm disappointed that you won't use his trancendent secret in your journey. 😂😂
This library is NOT a package that you can install using npm, yarn, etc. You'll need to go to "components" folder and copy the component your project needs. I chose to do this way because it gives you more flexibility for customizing the component to your personal taste. You won't need to manage another dependency in your package.json too.
You can access the docs by opening it's dedicated Storybook DocPage to see components properties and their descriptions: 🚩 🚩
Here you can see some of the types described in the docs that you could be confused by it's meanings:
type ImageStructure = {
source: string
alt?: string
type FormTypes = 'text' | 'color' | 'number' | 'email' | 'tel' | 'textarea' | 'checkbox' | 'date' | 'password'
type FormOptions = {
id: string
label: string
placeholder?: string
model: string | number | boolean
type: FormTypes
min?: number
max?: number
comment?: string
pattern?: string