Modified teensy code originally from that allows selection of various gradient color palettes. Boots up with 24 available palettes over three pages - push a button within a row to select. Lower-left corner button changes palette page (currently 3 available). These color palettes make it easier to distinguish functional blocks, see a grid in daylight, and hopefully some may even help people with color-blindness.
Leftmost column selects overall brightness - watch the Fates red power LED go out if you draw too much current, then either back down, or count on a patch not lighting up as many LEDs as the palette selector. I found that even my original green-board teletype has enough current to drive these palettes.
Lower right hand corner three button press gets you back to selection now.
To generate the palettes, I first used an eyedropper program to get RGB values from these palettes:
Then I got lazy and wrote a macro in Igor pro to output 16 more color palettes. Feel free to change / add your own.
Original code and installation instructions here: