Simple FIX protocol parser.
The parser for now supports only the two types of messages:
- Market Data Snapshot/Full Refresh(W)
- Market Data Incremental Refresh(x)
See for detailed information.
The parser project provides CLI utility that takes text file with FIX protocol messages as an input. CLI features:
- processes FIX messages and builds Stock Exchange Order Book
- updates build Order Book after each processed message
- outputs to stdout the first 'N' (provided through CLI arguments) sell and buy items after each Order Book update
CMake build system (>= 3.7) is used to compile the project. Compiling tested with gcc6.3.0.
Conan package manager is required to build the project.
Compiler support for C++11 standard is required.
boost (>= 1.70.0) is required to build the project.
googletest (>= 1.8.1) is required to build the project.
log4cxx (>=0.10.0) is required to build the project.
- Download or clone the project's repository.
- Create build directory inside project folder and compile the sources. Building in source tree directory is forbidden.
$ conan remote add jgsogo-conan-packages
$ conan remote add bincrafters
$ mkdir .build && cd .build
$ conan install ..
$ cmake ..
$ make
- Getting help:
$ cd .build/bin
$ ./fixparser_cli -h
Usage: ./fixparser_cli [options]...
-l [ --log-properties ] arg (
File path with log4cxx settings.
-d [ --data-file ] arg (=fix_data.txt)
File path with fix protocol data.
-s [ --size ] arg (=5) The size of order book items to print.
-h [ --help ] As it says.
- Start the command line utility with the required arguments:
$ cd .build/bin
$ ./fixparser_cli --data-file test_data.txt
CMake build framework might be used to run available unit tests. Just run 'ctest' inside build directory after building the sources.
$ ctest
$ ctest --verbose
More tests to be done
##$ Authors Oleg Fedorov,
##$ License
To be done...