Oli McCormack
Simple Pivot Table functionality for a Google Visualization DataTable.
var simple_pivot = new gvizpivot.PivotAgg(
gviz_table, // standard gviz data table
{pivotColumnIndex: {
column: 0,
aggregator: google.visualization.data.sum // how to aggregate the pivoted values,
pivotKeyIndexes: [{column: 1}],
pivotValueIndex: {column: 4}
var simple_tbl = simple_pivot.getDataTable();
* @param {google.visualization.DataTable} dataTable Original datatable.
* @param {Object} opts Set of options to apply to our datatable. Options:
* pivotColumnIndex {Object} [mandatory]
* column {number} [mandatory] Index of selected column
* sortDesc {boolean} [optional|default: false] Sort order of columns
* aggregator {Function} [mandatory] Aggregation function for pivoted
* values. Should accept an array of values, and return a single
* numeric response.
* columnTitleModifier {Function} [optional] Should accept the pivoted
* column header and return a replacement value.
* formatters {Array.<formatter>} [optional] Array of formatters to
* apply to the column.
* pivotKeyIndexes {Array.<Object>} [mandatory]
* column {number} Columns that should be used as keys.
* modifier {function} [optional] Function to adjust the key
* type {String} [optional] Type of output. Should match output type of
* modifier function.
* pivotValueIndex {Object} [mandatory]
* column {number} [mandatory] Column to use as a value.
* summaryColumns {Array.<Object>} [optional]
* label {String} [mandatory] Title to label aggregation column with
* aggregator {Function} [mandatory] Should accept an array of values
* representing pivoted row values, and return a single numeric
* value.
* formatters {Array.<formatter>} [optional] Array of formatters to
* apply to the column.
* usePercentTotalValues {boolean} [optional|default: false] If true,
* converts column values to be a percent of column total.