A retail shop to learn how to build standard features using NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, and EJS.
- Improved error handling.
- Refactored all controllers into async/await except for auth.js
- Migrate to local variable storage to ENV based.
Add File Upload functionality
Add Pagination
Add additional communication routes: File transfer? REST API? GraphQL API?
Add payments
Deploy project (via Heroku or other hosting service).
Add Testing
Convert Project to TypeScript
convert out old style JS code (commonJS syntax => ES6 modules) && promises => async/await
Set up a DMARC friendly email account / switch from Sendgrid to a better service.
6/14/20: Added basic authentication flow, added authorization to Admin routes, added Validation on both user side and server side.
6/11/20: Current functionality includes basic database CRUD for adding products, authentication and sessions.