Generate, Retrieve and upload sosreport to Red Hat Customer Portal.
Ansible 2.9 minimum
Variables default/main.yaml
# Red Hat Customer Portal credentials
rhn_user: ""
rhn_pass: ""
# Proxy to reach Red Hat Customer Portal
https_proxy: ""
# Where to store the sosreport on the managed node
sosreport_remote_location: "/var/tmp"
# Where to store the sosreport(s) on the controller
sosreport_local_location: "/var/tmp/{{ caseNumber }}"
# Should we delete sosreport from remote hosts, once downloaded locally
sosreport_delete_remote_sosreports: true
# Should we delete downloaded sosreport once uploaded
sosreport_delete_local_sosreports: true
# Sos default options
sosreport_options: "--log-size 4096 --all-logs"
# Extra options to pass to sos command
sosreport_extra_options: ""
# Upload to Red Hat ?
upload: true
Variables vars/main.yaml
- sos
sosreport_command: "sos report {{ sosreport_options }} {{ sosreport_extra_options }} --batch --tmp-dir {{ sosreport_remote_location }} --case-id {{ caseNumber }}"
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- name: "Generate and Send sosreports to Red Hat Customer Portal"
hosts: "{{ nodes }}"
become: true
gather_facts: false
- role: tinsjourney.sosreport
- rhn_user: "my_user"
- rhn_pass: "my_password"
- caseNumber: "01234567"
Stephane V. :
Role inspired by Michael Buluma