This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 20, 2023. It is now read-only.
Release 38
Breaking Changes
- The
column has been removed from the database schema and the codebase. This field was only used for Cryptonote coins and was a source of endless frustration for the API and consuming web-frontends
Database Migration
Miningcore needs to be stopped before performing the steps below.
Do this for every cryptonote pool you are running (Monero, Bittube etc):
UPDATE SHARES SET miner = concat_ws('.', miner, payoutinfo), payoutinfo = NULL WHERE poolid = '<your-poolid>' AND payoutinfo IS NOT NULL AND payoutinfo != '';
when done execute
ALTER TABLE shares DROP payoutinfo;
And restart your pool.
Other changes
- Fixed a bug related to the upcoming Moneo v8 hardfork pow change
- Fixed examples for new configuration syntax introduced in Release 34
- Minerstats and Poolstats older than three months are now deleted periodically (Stats GC)
- Fixed a benign warning in Clustering Mode
- Fixed a Nicehash stratum protocol violation for Ethereum family
- The pool API now returns the coin displayname