It uses cucumber.js with zombie.js for integration testing, mocha with should.js for unit testing on the server side, and jasmine with sinon for unit testing on the client side.
$ git clone git://
$ cd NodeBDD
$ npm install --dev
The Makefile
defines commands to run the different kinds of tests:
$ make cucumber
If you are using vim, you might find it helpful to map a key to run them:
:map <Leader>f :w\|!clear && make cucumber<cr>
$ make spec
If you are using vim, you might find it helpful to map a key to run them:
:map <Leader>t :w\|!clear && make spec<cr>
$ make spec-client
If you are using vim, you might find it helpful to map a key to run them:
:map <Leader>c :w\|!make spec-client<cr>
- Example client-side tests, stubbing the server side with sinon
- Figure out how to make should.js work in the browser, then replace jasmine by mocha
- Setup performance tests
- Setup test coverage reporting
- cli reporting for client-side specs, maybe using Phantomjs?
- Browser Interface for all test reporting