The script I currently use my home automation system to check train times in the morning. It's being executed by Node-RED on an RPi the results are then broadcast to multiple Google Home Smart speakers around the house.
To use, create another file in which you define the LDB_TOKEN = 'API_TOKEN' that you can obtain from
To use python in Node-RED
- Install node-red-contrib-pythonshell from the Palette manager.
- Add the path to the .py file e.g. /home/pi/HomeAutomation/
- Add the virtual environment (if used) e.g. /home/pi/.conda/envs/smarthome
The python line sys.stdout.write() puts the JSON reply from NationalRail into msg.payload from the python node I then use a function node in Node-RED to parse this using...
msg.payload = JSON.parse(msg.payload)
Then extract the relevant info to you and do something cool with it!