This repository contains a bash script for generating component files in a specified directory structure. The script creates TypeScript component files, Storybook files, test files, and index.ts barrel files for easy module imports.
To use the script, follow the instructions below:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the repository:
Run the script:
./ <component_type> <component_name> Replace <component_type> with the type of the component (valid options: layout, component, template) and <component_name> with the desired name of the component.
The script will generate the necessary component files in the appropriate directory.
For example, to generate a component named "Button" of type "component", run the following command:
./ component Button
This will generate the component files for the Button component:
components/ └─ Button/ ├─ Button.tsx ├─ Button.stories.tsx ├─ Button.test.tsx └─ index.ts
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.