Simplistic header only library for discrete PID control with anti-windup.
clone the repository from github
$ git clone
or follow this link to download the zip file.
Copy the pid.hpp to your folder.
#include <pid.hpp>
constexpr double Kp = 0;
constexpr double Ki = 0;
constexpr double Kd = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
DiscretePIDPtr pid = std::make_shared<DiscretePID>(Kp, Ki, Kd);
std::function<void(const double &)> writeFn;
std::function<double(void)> readFn;
// these two function should be bindings to the actual read from sensor
// and write to command the actuator
pid->assignRWFunc(readFn, writeFn);
// pid->setSamplingTime(std::chrono::nanoseconds(1e6));
// pid->setSaturation(10);
// pid->setExecuteAtSetReference(false); // uncomment to disable start at void setReference(double)
pid->setReference(0); // this sets the reference and starts the control action
// pid->start(); // uncomment if you executed setExecuteAtSetReference(false)
// wait until it settles
return 0;
2016 Olzhas Adiyatov, Robotics Department, ARMS Lab, Nazarbayev University.