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Verification of the Deposit Smart Contract in Dafny

Deposit smart contract in Dafny


The core component of the Deposit Smart Contract is the so-called Incremental Merkle Tree algorithm.

A Merkle tree is a (binary and complete) tree decorated with some attribute (information attached to the nodes). Computing the attribute for all the nodes of a tree usually requires to walk the tree and to explore all the nodes, for instance using a Depth First Traversal algorithm.

In the context of a Blockchain, a Merkle tree may be used to store elements of a list L. The value of the attribute (the hash) on the tree root can be used to test membership of an element in the list. The is known as a Merkle Proof.

In this project we are not concerned with Merkle Proofs but rather in computing an attribute (e.g. hash) on the root of a tree that stores a list L.

Merkle Trees

A tree is:

  1. a binary tree if every node that is not a leaf has two children and,
  2. a complete tree if all the branches of the tree from the root to the leaves have the same > height h.

Incomplete/Complete Binary Trees

The tree composed of the black nodes above is a binary tree but is not complete. Adding the green nodes make it complete. The (complete) tree height is 4 and is has 15 nodes and 8 leaves.

A Merkle tree is a binary and complete tree decorated with the Merkle (hash) attribute.

The leaves of a Merkle tree contains the elements of a list L from left to right when traversed in-order (left, node, right). Again, the elements of L are organised as a binary tree in order to define (and compute) a property of L, the hash of L, as an attribute on the tree representation of L.

Properties of Merkle Trees

As a Merkle tree of height h is a binary complete tree, it satisfies some properties like:

  1. the number of nodes in the tree is 2^(h) - 1 and,
  2. the number of leaves in the tree is 2^(h - 1).

It follows that Merkle trees of height h can represent lists of at most 2^(h - 1) elements.

Tree Representation of a List

To represent a list of n < 2^(h - 1) elements with a binary complete tree of height h, L is right-padded with dummy or neutral elements (e.g. zeroes) to obtain L' of length 2^(h - 1). L' is used to define the leaves of a complete binary tree, on which the Merkle attribute (hash) is computed.

Storing a list in the tree leaves

In the tree above, the list [3, 6, 2, -1, 4] is stored in the 5 leftmost leaves, and three zeroes (default values) are used to fill in the remaining leaves.

Incremental Computation of Merkle Trees

The incremental Merkle tree problem is informally stated as:

Can we incrementally (and efficiently) compute the Merkle attribute on binary complete trees that represent lists that grow monotonically such as L, L + e1, (L + e_1) + e_2 (where + is the append operator on lists) and so on?

More precisely, the problem of interest can be stated as follows:

IncMerkleTree Problem: given 1) a Merkle tree of height h, MKL(L), that stores a list L that has less than 2^(h -1) elements, and 2) an element e, can we efficiently compute (without traversing the 2^h - 1 nodes of the tree) MKL(L + e)?

To solve the IncMerkleTree problem, it may be useful to recall some simple definitions and algorithms to identify similarities with known problems and also the key issues that we have to address to solve IncMerkleTree. In this context, computing attributes on trees seems to be relevant and this is the topic of the next section.

Computing Attributes on Tree Structures

Binary Trees

A binary tree can be defined by an Abstract Data Type (ADT) as follows:

datatype Tree =
        |   Node(left: Tree, right: Tree)

A node is either a leaf or an internal node with two (ordered) children, left and right. This ADT is enough to represent binary trees, as a binary tree is fully determined by its root which is a node (including trees with single node-leaf).

This definition does not allow empty trees.

Synthesised Attributes

The Merkle attribute belongs to the category of synthesised attributes.

A synthesised attribute on a tree is defined bottom-up: the values of the decorations are given on the leaves, and to compute the values on the internal nodes, the values of the left and right children are combined.

A simple example of a synthesised attribute is the height of a tree that can be defined by:

function height(root : Tree) : nat
    match root
        //  A leaf has height 1
        case Leaf => 1

        //  The height of node is 1 + the max height of the children
        case Node(lc, rc) => 1 + max(height(lc), height(rc))

Computing Synthesised Attributes

To define trees decorated with an attribute of type T, we can use a generic version of the ADT for binary tree that holds the value v : T of the attribute:

datatype Tree<T> =
            Leaf(v: T)
        |   Node(v: T, left: Tree, right: Tree)

For instance, Tree<nat> can store the value of non-negative integers' attributes like height.

The height attribute is a simple one. To define a problem that is equivalent to the IncMerkleTree problem, we may use a synthesised attribute that is asymmetric. A simple version is to assume that each leave holds an integer value, and the value of an internal node is the difference between the values of the left and right children. We let diff(x,y) == x - y.

To check that the nodes of a int-decorated tree stores the value of the previous diff attribute, we can use the following predicate:

predicate isDecoratedWithDiff(root: Tree<int>)
    match root
        case Leaf(v) => true

        case Node(v, lc, rc) => v == diff(lc.v, rc.v)
                                && isDecoratedWithDiff(lc)
                                && isDecoratedWithDiff(rc)

If a node root of a tree satisfies isDecoratedWithDiff(root) then the values at each node (n.v) correspond to the values of the attribute diff. The values of the diff attribute on (the nodes of) a tree of height 4 that stores the list [3, 6, 2, -1, 4] are provided below: the blue values correspond to the leaves and the green ones are the synthesised (computed) ones. Nodes are labelled nk starting from the leaves left to right and upwards to the root level.

Computing Synthesised Attribute

Incremental Computation of the Diff attribute

Assume we are given a complete tree of fixed height h, and the leaves from left to right store the values of a list of n integers i1, i2, ..., in, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, right-padded with 2^(h - 1) - n zeroes.

The following function collects the leaves of a tree in a (indexed) sequence from left to right:

function collectLeaves<T>(root : Tree<T>) : seq<Leaf<T>>
    match root
        case Leaf(_, _, _) => [ root ]

        case Node(_, lc, rc, _, _) =>  
            collectLeaves(lc) + collectLeaves(rc)

In the tree example above, collectLeaves returns the sequence s = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8].

To state that a int-tree stores the values of a list l as the first |l| leaves (left to right), we define the following predicate:

predicate treeLeavesForList(l: seq<int>, root: Tree<int>)
    requires |l| <= |collectLeaves(root)|
    forall i::
        0 <= i < |l| ==> l[i] == collectLeaves(root)[i].v
        |l| <= i < |collectLeaves(root)| ==> collectLeaves(root)[i].v == 0

For a complete (binary) tree this also amounts to matching the |l| leftmost leaves to l. The example above illustrates this for the list [3, 6, 2, -1, 4]: s[0].v == n1.v == 3, s[1].v == n2.v == 6 and so on (sequences of length n are indexed from 0 to n - 1).

Assume we change the value of one leaf in the above tree, say n6 from 0 (the default value) to 3.

  1. this impacts the values of the diff attributes on the (green) path p = n15, n14, n11, n6, and
  2. the values needed to re-compute (or update) the diff attribute on the nodes of this path are on the left (yellow) and on the right (purple) of p (recall that the attribute value of a node combines the values of the left and right children).

Impact of leaf change

Furthermore, assume

  1. we are interested in the value of the attribute diff on the root n15 only,
  2. the list of stored elements in the leaves grows monotonically: once a new element is inserted its value is never modified.
  3. the right-most leaves all have the default value (in our example zero).

In the example above, it is clear that to compute the new value of diff on n15, after changing the value of n6 to 3, we need only the yellow and purple nodes. As the nodes on the right of p have the default value, they all have a default value for the attributes (it may depend on the level of a node in tree.)

To compute the updated value of diff on n15 after updating n6, we only need to store the three values of the yellow and purple nodes. And for the next position (n7) in which we can add a new element, we will need the yellow and purple nodes' values at n13, n11 and n8 as depicted below.

Nodes needed to compute updated root hash

As a result, it may be possible to compute the updated value of the diff attribute on the root n15 by storing only a summary of the previous computations that capture the values of the yellow (left of current path) and purple (right of current path) nodes. This is a typical example of dynamic programming.

Incremental Algorithm in Dafny

The file intTree.dfy contains the scaffolding for the specification, implementation and proof of an incremental algorithm to compute the diff attribute on the root of a tree.

In order to finalise the proof we need to:

  1. add data structures to store the values of the yellow (and possibly purple) nodes
  2. define how these are updated.

This can be done in the add method.


Deposit smart contract in Dafny







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  • Dafny 91.0%
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