This repository includes diverse challenging interview questions of FAANG companies (e.g., Facebook, Amazon, Google, etc) at any level. You can find the problems and their solutions with the implementation of different programming languages (e.g., Go, Python, etc). The focus is basically to show the data structures and algorithmic approaches for given problems and improve competitive programming skills. The questions can easily be searched in Hackerrank, GeeksForGeeks or Leetcode.
- Coding Friends
- Count Pairs with Given sum
- Detect Cycle in Directed Graph
- Kth Smallest Element
- Level Order Traversal Tree
- Reverse Level Order Traversal Tree
- Inorder traversal tree
- Missing Number in Array
- Smaller on Left
- SMS Splitting
- Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (BST)
- Subarray Divisible by k
- Subarray with Given Sum
- Merge Two Sorted Linked List
- Reverse Linked List
- Check for BST
- Word Segmentation Separated Words
- Reverse Words in Given String
- First and Last Occurences of X
- Detect Loop in Linked List
- Check String Rotation of Each Other
- Implement Queue with Linked List
- Find Anagram
- Find Anagram Together
- Max Sum Subarray (Consecutive) of Size K