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Elastic Cloud provider

This repo contains source code for terraform provider: terraform-provider-ec.


  • Build with pre-installed golang:
$ go build -v
  • Build with docker (make sure Docker is installed). It will pull golang image, build artifact and place it in current directory. You don't need to care about dependencies:
$ ./

At the end, you'll get binary file terraform-provider-ec.


  • To start using compiled plugin terraform-provider-ec you have to place this file into your working directory with Terrafrom code or use other path.
    • command to download binary file terraform-provider-ec for current OS in $HOME/.terraform.d/plugins directory:
$ ./ {{release_version}}

Environment variables

Set API key as an environment variable EC_API_KEY:

export EC_API_KEY = "Qwerty12345678"

Obviously, you can set up it in your terrafrom code, but it's not recommended to store secrets in control version systems.


provider "ec" {
  url      = ""
  api_key  = "Qwerty12345678"
  insecure = false

# Min usage:
provider "ec" {}
  • url - Elastic Cloud endpoint. (Default:
  • api_key - API Key. Set it with environment variable EC_API_KEY.
  • insecure - TLS setting for EC client. (Default: false - don't trust self-signed certificates)

Data Source: ec_deployments

Use this data source to get names and IDs of existing deployments.

Example usage

provider "ec" {}

data "ec_deployments" "this" {}

Attributes Reference

  • ids - mapping deployment name: id

Resource: ec_deployment

Manage ElasticCloud deployment

Example usage

provider "ec" {}

resource "ec_deployment" "this" {
  name                = "my-first-api-deployment"
  region              = "gcp-europe-west1"
  version             = "7.8.0"
  template_id         = "gcp-io-optimized"

  data_node           = true
  master_node         = true
  ingest_node         = true
  ml_node             = false

  elastic_instance_id = ""
  elastic_zone_count  = 1
  elastic_node_memory = 8192

Argument Reference

  • name - (Required) Deployment name.
  • region - (Required) Geographic area where the data center of the cloud provider that hosts your deployment is located. List of available regions.
  • version - (Required) Elastic stack version.
  • template_id - (Required) Unique identifier of the deployment template - pre-configure the components of the Elastic Stack.
  • data_node - (Bool) Controls the combinations of Elasticsearch node types. Defines whether this node can hold data.
  • master_node - (Bool) Controls the combinations of Elasticsearch node types. Defines whether this node can be elected master.
  • ingest_node - (Bool) Controls the combinations of Elasticsearch node types. Defines whether this node can run an ingest pipeline.
  • ml_node - (Bool) Controls the combinations of Elasticsearch node types. Defines whether this node can run ml jobs.
  • elastic_instance_id - Instance ID for elastic node. Depends on cloud provider.
  • elastic_zone_count - Number of availability zones in selected region.
  • elastic_node_memory - Amount of memory (MB) per elastic node.

Attributes Reference

  • username - elasticsearch username.
  • password - elasticsearch password.
  • endpoint - elasticsearch cluster ednpoint.
  • cluster_id - elasticsearch cluster ID.
  • deployment_id - elasticcloud deployment ID.


By default, provider log messages are not written to standard out during provider execution. To enable verbose output of Terraform and provider log messages, set the TF_LOG environment variable to DEBUG.


Terraform provider for Elastic Cloud







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