- conda
- docker
- docker compose
- flutter
- Android Studio
- python - As programming language for the backend
- conda - For managing python environment
- poetry - For managing python dependencies
- FastAPI - As framework for the backend
- PostgresSQL - As database
- docker - For development in production of the backend
- docker compose - For local development
- flutter - As framework for the mobile app
- Dart - As programming language for the mobile app
Run the following commands to install:
git clone git@github.com:omer-priel/solutrain.git
cd solutrain
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate solutrain
cd backend
poetry install
Table of the required environment variables for the backend:
Variable | Description |
PG_DATABASE | PostgresSQL database name |
PG_USER | PostgresSQL user |
PG_PASSWORD | PostgresSQL password |
PG_HOST | PostgresSQL host |
Table of the optional environment variables for the backend:
Variable | Description | Default |
PG_PORT | PostgresSQL port | 5432 |
For local development add .env file to backend directory that contains the environment variables.
Exists .env.example file as example.
Table of the optional environment variables for the mobile:
Variable | Description | Default |
API_IS_HTTPS | API is HTTPS of HTTP | true |
API_HOST | API host | solutrain-backend.onrender.com |
API_PORT | API port | 443 |
For local development in Android Studio you can change the environment variables, in the configuration.
Recommended to add different configuration for production and local development.
Note: the API means the backend and the app means the mobile app.
- backend - The Backend API Service
- src - The source code
- models - The models of Database for handling the communication with the database
- routers - The routers of the API
- main.py - The entry point for running the API
- app.py - The FastAPI application
- config.py - The configuration of the API
- exceptions.py - The exceptions of the API
- logger.py - The logger of the API and handler logging related
- migrations.py - The migrations of the database
- security.py - The security of the API, authentication and hashing
- .env - Environment variables file
- .env.example - Example of the environment variables file
- Dockerfile - Dockerfile for building the image of the API
- poetry.lock - Poetry lock file, for managing the dependencies (changed only by poetry)
- pyproject.toml - Poetry project file, for managing the dependencies
- src - The source code
- mobile - The Mobile App
- android - The Android App, for customiztion for Android
- ios - The iOS App, for customiztion for iOS
- lib - The source code
- images - Static images for the app
- pages - Pages of the app
- main - the page that responsible for presetting the current page (other page in pages)
- widgets - Custom reusable widgets for the app
- api.dart - Handling the communication with the API
- app_model.dart - The model (global state) of the app
- config.dart - The configuration of the app
- main.dart - The entry point for the app
- schemas.dart - The schemas of the API
- test - The tests of the app (not implemented yet)
- .env - Environment variables file for local development only. Can be loaded by Android Studio
- pubspec.lock - Pubspec lock file, for managing the dependencies (changed only by pub)
- pubspec.yaml - Pubspec project file, for managing the dependencies
- docs - documentation
- res - resources
- scripts - Scripts for development in the project\
- backend-clean.bat - For cleaning the cache of the backend
- backend-fix.bat - For running the Formaters of the backend
- backend-fix-lint.bat - For running the Formaters and Linters of the backend
- backend-lint.bat - For running the Linters of the backend
- backend-rebuild-db.bat - For rebuild the local database
- mobile-fix.bat - For running the Formaters of the mobile
- mobile-fix-lint.bat - For running the Formaters and Linters of the mobile
- mobile-lint.bat - For running the Linters of the mobile
- environment.yml - Conda environment file
- database-diagram.jpeg - Database diagram
- docker-compose.yml - Docker compose file for local development
- LICENSE - License file
- README.md - This file
Network diagram flow
flowchart LR
Flutter(Flutter Dart) --- API(FastAPI python) --- PostgresSQL
Services diagram
flowchart RL
subgraph mobile
UI --> State --> Logic
UI --> Logic
Logic --> routers
subgraph render.com
subgraph backend
routers --> models
subgraph database
models --> PostgresSQL
PostgresSQL --> models
subgraph backend
models --> routers
routers --> Logic
subgraph mobile
Logic --> State --> UI
- You can deploy locally using Docker Compose and not render.com
Pages diagram
flowchart TD
subgraph auth
subgraph main
Login --> SignUp
SignUp --> Login
Login <---> Select-Area
Select-Area <--> Search-Groups
Search-Groups --> View-Group
View-Group --> View-Meeting & View-Coach
My-Groups <--> View-Group
View-Group -->|from search| Search-Groups
View-Meeting --> View-Group & View-Coach
View-Coach --> View-Group & View-Meeting
My-Meetings --> View-Meeting
Profile <--> Groups
Groups --> Create-Group & Group
Create-Group --> Group & Groups
Group --> Groups
Group --> Create-Meeting
Create-Meeting --> Meeting & Group
Group --> Meeting & View-Trainer
Meeting --> View-Trainer & Group
View-Trainer --> Group
View-Trainer -->|from meeting| Meeting
- Note: Any page can navigate to the Select-Area, My-Groups, My-Meetings, Profile and Login (by Logout).
For running the mobile app open the project in Android Studio and run the app.
It will connect to the API in the cloud on render.com
You can deploy local the backend with the database by docker compose
docker compose up --build
- Note: by docker based you need to create the table by SQL using the SQL in backend/src/migration.py
Or you can create database using docker and the backend on python with conda
according to the following steps
For starting the database run in a terminal the following commands:
docker compose up -d db
For create the tables in the database run in a terminal the following commands:
cd backend
python -m src migrate
For running the backend run in a terminal the following commands:
python -m src
And open in a browser the localhost:8000/docs
You can also run the backend in a docker container by running the following commands:
docker compose up --build backend
And open in a browser the
For running the Formaters and Linters run in a terminal the following commands:
make fix-lint
For cleaning the cache run in a terminal the following commands:
make clean
For rebuild the database run in a terminal the following commands:
docker-compose rm -f -s db
docker-compose up -d db
sleep 1
cd backend
python -m src migrate
For running the Formaters and Linters for mobile run the BAT file scripts/mobile-fix-lint.bat