Display the image in RGB Mode, Flip the image, Draw rectangle and triangle unfilled-filled
Convert image from BGR to various displaying option
Displaying blended images
Resize, remove the backgorund of watermark, blend on image
Image thresholding
Understand kernel size, how to noise reduction algorithm works
Morphology, dilation and erosion, gradient
Sobel–Feldman, Laplace
Plot Histogram
Histogram Equalization, HSV histogram equalization on higher contrast images
Review up to HW10
Directly stream the video recording, record the frame on local folder
Read local video file and sleep for showing actual FPS
Draw a circle on local video by listening the action of mouse click
Detect dog face, understanding algorithm methods of object detection
Harris Corner Detection Algorithm
Shi-Tomasi Corner Detection
Canny Edge Detection
Merge two rectangle by bitwise operator
Show GIF on specified window size by PyQt5, called function within other .py file
YT Video Downloader Script by 'pytube'