Airbnb version 4.7's three-dimensional slide menu in Swift. Unfortunately, the menu was obsoleted in Airbnb version 5.0. In order not to forget the legend menu, I developed it in Swift.
Inspired by
Storyboard is not supported. You need to write code. I have no choice but to use Objective-C in a part of whole.
The easiest way to get started is to use CocoaPods. Add the following line to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
# The following is a Library of Swift.
pod 'AirbnbViewController'
Then, run the following command:
pod install
And then, you need to have [project-name]-Bridging-Header.h because AirbnbViewController use Objective-C file.
The easiest way to create a bridging header file is to add an arbitrary Objective-C file to your project and let Xcode create the bridging header for you. Delete the original Objective-C file as you no longer need it.
#import "AirbnbHelper.h"
Please refer to AirbnbViewController-Sample project.