This Library is part of the NGXUI ecosystem.
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is an Angular library that provides a cryptic text animation effect. The component animates text by randomly switching letters until the correct characters appear, creating a mysterious or glitchy effect that can be used for titles, headings, or any text content in your Angular applications.
- Cryptic text animation effect that gradually resolves into the target text.
- Customizable animation speed.
- Lightweight and easy to integrate as a standalone component.
Install the library using npm:
npm install @omnedia/ngx-cryptic-text
Import the NgxCrypticTextComponent in your Angular module or component:
import {NgxCrypticTextComponent} from '@omnedia/ngx-cryptic-text';
Use the component in your template:
[text]="'Hello, World!'"
(required): The target text to be revealed by the animation.animationSpeed
(optional): The duration of the entire animation in milliseconds. Defaults to 800ms.styleClass
(optional): A custom CSS class to apply to the text element for styling.
[text]="'Cryptic Text Effect!'"
This will create a cryptic text animation where the text "Cryptic Text Effect!" is gradually revealed over a duration of 1200ms.
You can apply custom styles to the text using the styleClass input. For example:
.cryptic-text-style {
font-size: 24px;
color: #ff69b4;
font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
This will style the cryptic text with a custom font size, color, and font family.
Contributions are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss your ideas.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.