This project builds a prototype Tor network to demonstrate the idea of using intermediate Tor nodes to protect the identity (IP) of a client.
The directory server tracks existing Tor nodes in the network.
The data server is a servers a simple key-value store, developed solely for the purpose of demonstrating our prototype Tor network. We assume that the client only visit our data server.
The Tor client is also developed for prototype demonstration. It sends a request into the Tor network that will eventually reach the data server. We assume that the users only use our client program to visit our Tor network.
The Tor nodes are the individual nodes that make up our anonymity network.
go run dirserver/dirserver.go [Ip] [PortForTN] [PortForTC]
(Default: Ip=localhost, PortForTN=8001, PortForTC=8002)
go run server/server.go config/server.json
go run client/client.go config/client.json keyToFetch
go run tn/main.go [dsIPPort] [listenIPPort] [fdListenIPPort] [timeOutMillis]
(Default: dsIPPort=, listenIPPort=, fdListenIPPort=, timeOutMillis=1000)
Make sure you have installed GoVector: go get -u
Make sure you have removed all previous logs: rm *.txt
$GOPATH/bin/GoVector --log_type shiviz --log_dir . --outfile tor-net-vec-log.log