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Ondato SDK for React Native

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This SDK provides a drop-in set of screens and tools for iOS applications to allow capturing of identity documents and face photos/live videos for the purpose of identity verification. The SDK offers a number of benefits to help you create the best onboarding/identity verification experience for your customers:

  • Carefully designed UI to guide your customers through the entire photo/video-capturing process
  • Modular design to help you seamlessly integrate the photo/video-capturing process into your application flow
  • Advanced image quality detection technology to ensure the quality of the captured images meets the requirement of the Ondato identity verification process, guaranteeing the best success rate
  • Direct image upload to the Ondato service, to simplify integration*

* Note: the SDK is only responsible for capturing and uploading photos/videos. You still need to access the Ondato API to create and manage checks.


yarn add
npm install


NOTE: We recommend you lock your app to portrait orientation.


  1. Add a below repository to your android/build.gradle:
// ...
allprojects {
    repositories {
        // ...
        // Add this to your project
        maven {
            url "$rootDir/../../android/local/repo"
        maven {
            url "$rootDir/../node_modules/ondato-sdk-react-native/android/local/repo"
  1. Add camera permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml:
<manifest xmlns:android="">
    <!-- ... -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <!-- ... -->


The Stripe React Native SDK requires Xcode 13.2.1 or later and is compatible with apps targeting iOS 13 or above.

  1. Add the following to your Info.plist file, this is required by Ondato SDK to work properly:
<!-- ... -->
        <!-- Add these two lines below -->
        <string>Required for document and facial capture</string>
        <!-- ... -->
  1. Turn on Near Field Communication Tag Reading under the Capabilities tab for the project’s target. Official documentation can be found here.

  2. Comment out or remove the following line in your Podfile (the example is based on React Native 0.71.4 and might have variations on different versions), this is required because Flipper is currently not supported by Ondato SDK:

    # ...
    #:flipper_configuration => flipper_config,
    # ...
  1. Run pod install in your ios directory to install the native dependencies.


import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { Button, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'ondato-sdk-react-native';

export default () => {
  const ondatoSdkRef = useRef<OndatoSdkRef>(null);

  const [config] = useState<OndatoSdkConfig>({
    mode: 'test',
    identityVerificationId: 'your-identity-verification-id',
    language: 'en',
    showSplashScreen: true,
    showStartScreen: true,
    showIdentificationWaitingScreen: true,
    showSelfieFrame: true,
    skipRegistrationIfDriverLicense: true,
    showSuccessWindow: true,

  const onStateUpdate = useCallback((state: OndatoSdkState) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(state, null, 2));
  }, []);

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        onPress={() => ondatoSdkRef.current?.open()}

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    padding: 16,
    backgroundColor: '#eee',


Currently, the SDK styling can be changed programmatically only for iOS side, in order to change the styling for Android you will need to do some extra steps.


To change coloring for iOS side, you just need to pass one of the following properties with the config (or above if you want to customize extra styling options):

    // ...

    // This sets the general styling of the SDK
    simpleCustomization: {
      primaryColor: '#fd5a28',
      textColor: '#000000',
      buttonTextColor: '#ffffff',
    // You can change specific styling by passing this customization object,
    // which overrides the simpleCustomization object, you can change as many
    // values as you want and leave the rest as they are, because
    // they are merged with the simpleCustomization object anyhow
    iosCustomization: {
      progressColor: '#fd5a28',
      errorColor: '#fd5a28',
      errorTextColor: '#ffffff',
      buttonColor: '#fd5a28',
      buttonTextColor: '#ffffff',
      textColor: '#000000',
      backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
      imageTintColor: '#fd5a28',
      consentWindow: {
        acceptButton: {
          font: {
            name: 'default',
            weight: 'regular',
            size: 15,
          backgroundColor: '#00000000',
          tintColor: '#0000ff',
          borderWidth: 0,
          borderColor: '#00000000',
          cornerRadius: 0,
        declineButton: {
          font: {
            name: 'default',
            weight: 'regular',
            size: 15,
          backgroundColor: '#00000000',
          tintColor: '#0000ff',
          borderWidth: 0,
          borderColor: '#00000000',
          cornerRadius: 0,
        header: {
          color: '#000000',
          font: {
            name: 'default',
            weight: 'semibold',
            size: 15,
        body: {
          textColor: '#000000',
          font: {
            name: 'default',
            weight: 'regular',
            size: 15,


In order to add custom styling to the SDK, you need to create a colors.xml file in your res/values folder and add the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- Ondato's Status Bar -->
  <color name="ondatoColorPrimaryDark">#fd5a28</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Primary and Accent Colors -->
  <color name="ondatoColorPrimary">#fd5a28</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorAccent">#FF5A28</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Text Colors -->
  <color name="ondatoTextColor">#000000</color>
  <color name="ondatoSecondaryTextColor">#244D50</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Primary Button with Gradient colors -->
  <color name="ondatoColorButton">#fd5a28</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorButtonFocusedStart">#fd5a28</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorButtonFocusedCenter">#FF8000</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorButtonFocusedEnd">#FF9700</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorButtonText">#ffffff</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Outlined Button Colors -->
  <color name="ondatoOutlinedButtonColor">#fd5a28</color>
  <color name="ondatoOutlinedButtonTextColor">#fd5a28</color>

  <color name="ondatoColorBackground">#ffffff</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Illustration Colors -->
  <color name="ondatoIconColor">#fd5a28</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Active Liveness Screen Colors -->
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessOvalProgressColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessOvalProgressColorSecondary">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessResultActivityIndicatorColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessResultAnimationBackgroundColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessResultUploadProgressColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessResultAnimationForegroundColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessResultUploadProgressTrackColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessResultForegroundColor">#FF5A28</color>
  <color name="ondatoActiveLivenessCameraFilter">#fff</color>

  <!-- Used for Active Liveness Screen Buttons -->
  <color name="ondatoDisabledButtonColor">#FAB2A5</color>
  <color name="ondatoHighlightButtonColor">#b02e16</color>

  <!-- Ondato's Error Colors -->
  <color name="ondatoColorErrorBg">#fd5a28</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorErrorText">#ffffff</color>

  <!-- Other -->
  <color name="ondatoColorSeparatorColor">#e5e6e7</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorAlmostTransparent">#70ffffff</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorAlmostTransparent2">#CCFFFFFF</color>
  <color name="ondatoColorLanguagesBorder">#E2E2E2</color>>
  <color name="ondatoColorCameraFilter">#65000000</color>
  <color name="ondatoInputTextBorderColor">#808080</color>