Releases: sidekiq-cron/sidekiq-cron
Releases · sidekiq-cron/sidekiq-cron
What's Changed
- Unify with the word
at Japanese by @kakikubo in #520 - Add documentation for renaming Sidekiq::Cron namespaces and managing old jobs by @jdaviderb in #521
- Added Spanish (es-Es) locale translation by @vzamanillo in #522
- Add Ruby MRI 3.4 to CI matrix by @viralpraxis in #525
- Add
configuration option by @viralpraxis in #524 - [refactor] Reorganize support classes and helpers for testing by @markets in #526
New Contributors
- @kakikubo made their first contribution in #520
- @jdaviderb made their first contribution in #521
- @vzamanillo made their first contribution in #522
- @viralpraxis made their first contribution in #525
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- Fix: Add quotes to Japanese translations containing multi-byte symbols by @iwaseasahi in #515
- Fix usage of ActiveJob::Base.queue_name by @leoarnold in #517
New Contributors
- @iwaseasahi made their first contribution in #515
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
Sidekiq-Cron v2 is here 🎉
What's Changed
- [refactor] Web extension clean up 🔨 by @markets in #499
- Fix typo 'enque' to 'enqueue' in forms and tests by @satyakampandya in #500
- Rearrange options + minor tweaks in tests and docs by @markets in #501
- Refactor: Simplify redirect logic with helper method by @satyakampandya in #502
- [refactor] More web extension refactoring by @markets in #503
- Review web UI translations for multiple locales by @satyakampandya in #506
- Fix detection of ActiveJob by @leoarnold in #510
- Add
job configuration option to set sidekiq retry job option by @noahfpf in #509
Please take a look to the RC1 and RC2 changes too if you are coming from the v1.X series.
Full Changelog:
- Changes since latest release candidate: v2.0.0.rc2...v2.0.0
- Changes from latest v1: v1.12.0...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- Require at least fugit >= 1.11.1 by @jmettraux in #475
- Fix: according to documentation,
should return true/false by @delphaber in #476 - Update How Redis Values Are Stored on
by @jvanderen1 in #479 - Add compatibility with Sidekiq 7.3+ and remove inline styles by @satyakampandya in #480
- Add confirmation for enqueuing disabled cron jobs and refactor job name escaping by @satyakampandya in #482
- Restrict namespace from using '*' and fix job actions for wildcard namespaces by @satyakampandya in #484
- Require Namespace when booting web UI (see #486) + Documentation tweaks by @markets in #489
- Remove useless support for old Redis (< 4.2) by @markets in #490
- Fix: Ensure date_as_argument option can be set from true to false in Sidekiq Cron jobs by @satyakampandya in #485
- Fix redirection issues in web extension for namespace-specific routes by @satyakampandya in #492
- Rename
. Also, rename all other "enque" occurences. by @markets in #494 - Refactor sidekiq cron configurations by @satyakampandya in #495
- Delete leftovers support for Sidekiq <6.5 by @markets in #497
New Contributors
- @jvanderen1 made their first contribution in #479
- @satyakampandya made their first contribution in #480
Full Changelog: v2.0.0.rc1...v2.0.0.rc2
What's Changed
- feat: human readable UI by @Linell in #445
- Add Bahasa Indonesia locale by @IrvanFza in #446
- Implements namespaces by @zedtux in #268
- Add Ruby 3.3 to CI matrix by @m-nakamura145 in #447
- Fetch queue name from ActiveJob class by @arathunku in #448
- Add warning log when 'symbolize_args: true' is used without 'active_job: true' by @francktrouillez in #449
- Fix: unused variable warning by @themudassarhassan in #454
- Fix typos by @kianmeng in #455
- Readme: clarify that job status gets persisted by @kevinrobell-st in #457
- sidekiq/cron/job: allows symbol keys in .load_from_array! by @kevinrobell-st in #458
- Add strict cron parsing mode by @kevinrobell-st in #459
- Move class attributes and initialize method at the beginning of the file by @markets in #460
- [docs] Clarify worker => process + other small enhancements by @markets in #461
- Fix natural language parsing configuration examples in [skip ci] by @fatkodima in #466
- Add ability to configure the past scheduled time threshold by @fatkodima in #465
New Contributors
- @Linell made their first contribution in #445
- @IrvanFza made their first contribution in #446
- @m-nakamura145 made their first contribution in #447
- @arathunku made their first contribution in #448
- @themudassarhassan made their first contribution in #454
- @kianmeng made their first contribution in #455
- @kevinrobell-st made their first contribution in #457
- @fatkodima made their first contribution in #466
Full Changelog: v1.12.0...v2.0.0.rc1
What's Changed
- Remove Sidekiq.server? check from schedule loader by @oozzal in #436
- Only check out a Redis connection if necessary by @stanhu in #438
- Parse arguments on args= method by @francktrouillez in #442
New Contributors
- @oozzal made their first contribution in #436
- @stanhu made their first contribution in #438
- @francktrouillez made their first contribution in #442
Full Changelog: v1.11.0...v1.12.0
What's Changed
- Avoid confusion about
default value on README by @ybiquitous in #413 - Reduce gem size by excluding test files by @ybiquitous in #414
- Update to mocha 2.1 to pick up minitest fix by @serprex in #420
- Undo clear jobs while loading the schedule by @sandip-mane in #427
- Differentiates b/w schedule vs dynamic jobs + Clears scheduled jobs upon schedule load by @sandip-mane in #431
- Fix v1.4.0 dark mode support PR link by @tonyciou in #433
New Contributors
- @ybiquitous made their first contribution in #413
- @tonyciou made their first contribution in #433
Full Changelog: v1.10.1...v1.11.0
What's Changed
- Adds Ruby 3.2 to the CI matrix. by @petergoldstein in #390
- [CI] Allow to test different Sidekiq versions by @markets in #399
- Allow for keyword args in Poller by @samsm in #398
- fix argument error problem update from 1.6.0 to newer by @mkusaka in #392
- Make last_enqueue_time be always an instance of Time. by @ryotarai in #354
- Added support for ActiveRecord serialize/deserialize using GlobalID for Sidekiq::Cron::Job arguments. by @nyuta01 in #395
- [deps] upgrade required globalid version to fix a potential security vulnerability by @markets in #401
- Add new logo ✨ by @markets in #402
- Refactor logo with proper color contrast 💫 by @markets in #403
- [ci] move code coverage reporting to Codecov by @markets in #404
- Clear old jobs while loading the jobs from schedule by @sandip-mane in #405
- Remove ✂️ Docker support for development by @markets in #406
New Contributors
- @samsm made their first contribution in #398
- @mkusaka made their first contribution in #392
- @ryotarai made their first contribution in #354
- @nyuta01 made their first contribution in #395
Full Changelog: v1.9.1...v1.10.0
What's Changed
- Always enqueue via Active Job interface when defined in cron job config (#381)
- Fix schedule.yml YAML load errors on Ruby 3.1 (#386)
- Require Fugit v1.8 to refactor internals (#385)
New Contributors
- @hqm42 made their first contribution in #381
- @yuri-zubov made their first contribution in #386
Full Changelog: v1.9.0...v1.9.1