PHP-IMAP is a wrapper for common IMAP communication without the need to have the php-imap module installed / enabled.
The protocol is completely integrated and therefore supports IMAP IDLE operation and the "new" oAuth authentication
process as well.
You can enable the php-imap
module in order to handle edge cases, improve message decoding quality and is required if
you want to use legacy protocols such as pop3.
Wiki: webklex/php-imap/wiki
Laravel wrapper: webklex/laravel-imap
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- Support
- Documentation
- Known issues
- Milestones & upcoming features
- Security
- Credits
- License
1.) Install decoding modules:
sudo apt-get install php*-mbstring php*-mcrypt && sudo apache2ctl graceful
1.1.) (optional) Install php-imap module if you are having encoding problems:
sudo apt-get install php*-imap && sudo apache2ctl graceful
You might also want to check phpinfo()
if the extensions are enabled.
2.) Now install the PHP-IMAP package by running the following command:
composer require webklex/php-imap
3.) Create your own custom config file like config/imap.php:
Supported protocols:
— Use IMAP [default]legacy-imap
— Use the php imap module insteadpop3
— Use POP3nntp
— Use NNTP
The following encryption methods are supported:
— Disable encryptionssl
— Use SSLtls
— Use TLSstarttls
— Use STARTTLS (alias TLS) (legacy only)notls
— Use NoTLS (legacy only)
Detailed config/imap.php configuration:
— used default account. It will be used as default for any missing account parameters. If however the default account is missing a parameter the package default will be used. Set tofalse
to disable this functionality.accounts
— all available accountsdefault
— The account identifier (in this casedefault
but could also befooBar
— imap hostport
— imap portencryption
— desired encryption methodvalidate_cert
— decide weather you want to verify the certificate or notusername
— imap account usernamepassword
— imap account passwordauthentication
— imap authentication method. Useoauth
to use oAuth for Google, etc.
— The default date format is used to convert any given Carbon::class object into a valid date string. (d-M-Y
,d M y
— additional fetch optionsdelimiter
— you can use any supported char such as ".", "/", etcfetch_body
— If set tofalse
all messages will be fetched without the body and any potential attachmentsfetch_flags
— If set tofalse
all messages will be fetched without any flagsmessage_key
— Message key identifier optionfetch_order
— Message fetch orderopen
— special configuration for imap_open()DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR
— disable authentication properties.
— Currently only the message and attachment decoder can be setevents
— Default event handling configmasks
— Default masking configmessage
— Default message maskattachment
— Default attachment mask
This is a basic example, which will echo out all Mails within all imap folders and will move every message into Please be aware that this should not be tested in real life and is only meant to gives an impression on how things work.
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\ClientManager;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client;
$cm = new ClientManager('path/to/config/imap.php');
// or use an array of options instead
$cm = new ClientManager($options = []);
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
$client = $cm->account('account_identifier');
// or create a new instance manually
$client = new Client([
'host' => '',
'port' => 993,
'encryption' => 'ssl',
'validate_cert' => true,
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password',
'protocol' => 'imap'
//Connect to the IMAP Server
//Get all Mailboxes
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\FolderCollection $folders */
$folders = $client->getFolders();
//Loop through every Mailbox
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
foreach($folders as $folder){
//Get all Messages of the current Mailbox $folder
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->messages()->all()->get();
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
foreach($messages as $message){
echo $message->getSubject().'<br />';
echo 'Attachments: '.$message->getAttachments()->count().'<br />';
echo $message->getHTMLBody();
//Move the current Message to ''
if($message->moveToFolder('') == true){
echo 'Message has ben moved';
echo 'Message could not be moved';
List all available folders:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\FolderCollection $folders */
$folders = $client->getFolders();
Get a specific folder:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
$folder = $client->getFolder('');
If you are using google mail or something similar, you might want to use oauth instead:
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client;
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
$client = new Client([
'host' => '',
'port' => 993,
'encryption' => 'ssl',
'validate_cert' => true,
'username' => '',
'password' => 'PASSWORD',
'authentication' => "oauth",
'protocol' => 'imap'
//Connect to the IMAP Server
Every time a new message is received, the server will notify the client and return the new message.
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
echo $message->subject."\n";
Search for specific emails:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
//Get all messages
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->all()->get();
//Get all messages from
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->from('')->get();
//Get all messages since march 15 2018
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->since('15.03.2018')->get();
//Get all messages within the last 5 days
$messages = $folder->query()->since(\Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(5))->get();
//Get all messages containing "hello world"
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->text('hello world')->get();
//Get all unseen messages containing "hello world"
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->unseen()->text('hello world')->get();
//Extended custom search query for all messages containing "hello world"
//and have been received since march 15 2018
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->text('hello world')->since('15.03.2018')->get();
$messages = $folder->query()->Text('hello world')->Since('15.03.2018')->get();
$messages = $folder->query()->whereText('hello world')->whereSince('15.03.2018')->get();
// Build a custom search query
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()
->where([['TEXT', 'Hello world'], ['SINCE', \Carbon\Carbon::parse('15.03.2018')]])
//Get all messages NOT containing "hello world"
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->notText('hello world')->get();
$messages = $folder->query()->not_text('hello world')->get();
$messages = $folder->query()->not()->text('hello world')->get();
//Get all messages by custom search criteria
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->where(["CUSTOM_FOOBAR" => "fooBar"]])->get();
Available search aliases for a better code reading:
// Folder::search() is just an alias for Folder::query()
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->search()->text('hello world')->since('15.03.2018')->get();
// Folder::messages() is just an alias for Folder::query()
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->messages()->text('hello world')->since('15.03.2018')->get();
All available query / search methods can be found here: Query::class
Available search criteria:
— return all messages matching the rest of the criteriaANSWERED
— match messages with the \ANSWERED flag setBCC
"string" — match messages with "string" in the Bcc: fieldBEFORE
"date" — match messages with Date: before "date"BODY
"string" — match messages with "string" in the body of the messageCC
"string" — match messages with "string" in the Cc: fieldDELETED
— match deleted messagesFLAGGED
— match messages with the \FLAGGED (sometimes referred to as Important or Urgent) flag setFROM
"string" — match messages with "string" in the From: fieldKEYWORD
"string" — match messages with "string" as a keywordNEW
— match new messagesNOT
— not matchingOLD
— match old messagesON
"date" — match messages with Date: matching "date"RECENT
— match messages with the \RECENT flag setSEEN
— match messages that have been read (the \SEEN flag is set)SINCE
"date" — match messages with Date: after "date"SUBJECT
"string" — match messages with "string" in the Subject:TEXT
"string" — match messages with text "string"TO
"string" — match messages with "string" in the To:UNANSWERED
— match messages that have not been answeredUNDELETED
— match messages that are not deletedUNFLAGGED
— match messages that are not flaggedUNKEYWORD
"string" — match messages that do not have the keyword "string"UNSEEN
— match messages which have not been read yet
Further information:
Limiting the request emails:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
//Get all messages for page 2 since march 15 2018 where each page contains 10 messages
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->since('15.03.2018')->limit(10, 2)->get();
Count all available messages matching the current search criteria:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
//Count all messages
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$count = $folder->query()->all()->count();
//Count all messages since march 15 2018
$count = $folder->query()->since('15.03.2018')->count();
Paginate a query:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
/** @var \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator $paginator */
$paginator = $folder->query()->since('15.03.2018')->paginate();
Paginate a message collection:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
/** @var \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator $paginator */
$paginator = $messages->paginate();
View example for a paginated list:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
/** @var \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator $paginator */
$paginator = $folder->search()
->paginate($perPage = 5, $page = null, $pageName = 'imap_blade_example');
<?php if($paginator->count() > 0): ?>
<?php foreach($paginator as $message): ?>
<td><?php echo $message->getUid(); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $message->getSubject(); ?></td>
<td><?php echo $message->getFrom()[0]->mail; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $message->getAttachments()->count() > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no'; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php else: ?>
<td colspan="4">No messages found</td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $paginator->links(); ?>
You can also paginate a Folder-, Attachment- or FlagCollection instance.
You can find a few blade examples under /examples.
Get a specific message by uid (Please note that the uid is not unique and can change):
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
$message = $folder->query()->getMessage($msgn = 1);
Flag or "unflag" a message:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
$message->setFlag(['Seen', 'Spam']);
Save message attachments:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\AttachmentCollection $attachments */
$attachments = $message->getAttachments();
$attachments->each(function ($attachment) {
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attachment $attachment */
Fetch messages without body fetching (decrease load):
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->whereText('Hello world')->setFetchBody(false)->get();
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->whereAll()->setFetchBody(false)->get();
Fetch messages without body, flag and attachment fetching (decrease load):
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder $folder */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->whereText('Hello world')
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\MessageCollection $messages */
$messages = $folder->query()->whereAll()
The following events are available:
— can get triggered byFolder::idle
— triggered byMessage::delete
— triggered byMessage::restore
Webklex\PHPIMAP\Events\MessageMovedEvent($old_message, $new_message)
— triggered byMessage::move
Webklex\PHPIMAP\Events\MessageCopiedEvent($old_message, $new_message)
— triggered byMessage::copy
— triggered byMessage::setFlag
— triggered byMessage::unsetFlag
— can get triggered byClient::createFolder
— triggered byFolder::delete
Webklex\PHPIMAP\Events\FolderMovedEvent($old_folder, $new_folder)
— triggered byFolder::move
Create and register your own custom event:
class CustomMessageNewEvent extends Webklex\PHPIMAP\Events\MessageNewEvent {
* Create a new event instance.
* @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message[] $messages
* @return void
public function __construct($messages) {
$this->message = $messages[0];
echo "New message: ".$this->message->subject."\n";
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
$client->setEvent("message", "new", CustomMessageNewEvent::class);
..or set it in your config file under
PHP-IMAP already comes with two default masks MessageMask::class and AttachmentMask::class.
The masked instance has to be called manually and is designed to add custom functionality.
You can call the default mask by calling the mask method without any arguments.
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
$mask = $message->mask();
There are several methods available to set the default mask:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
$message_mask = \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\Masks\MessageMask::class;
$mask = $message->mask($message_mask);
The last one wont set the mask but generate a masked instance using the provided mask.
You could also set the default masks inside your config/imap.php
file under masks
You can also apply a mask on attachments:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Client $client */
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attachment $attachment */
$attachment_mask = \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\Masks\AttachmentMask::class;
$mask = $attachment->mask($attachment_mask);
If you want to implement your own mask just extend MessageMask::class, AttachmentMask::class or Mask::class and implement your desired logic:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
class CustomMessageMask extends \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Support\Masks\MessageMask {
* New custom method which can be called through a mask
* @return string
public function token(){
return implode('-', [$this->message_id, $this->uid, $this->message_no]);
$mask = $message->mask(CustomMessageMask::class);
echo $mask->token().'@'.$mask->uid;
Additional examples can be found here:
Find the folder containing a message:
/** @var \Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message $message */
$folder = $message->getFolder();
If you encounter any problems or if you find a bug, please don't hesitate to create a new issue. However please be aware that it might take some time to get an answer. Off topic, rude or abusive issues will be deleted without any notice.
If you need immediate or commercial support, feel free to send me a mail at
If you write source code in your issue, please consider to format it correctly. This makes it so much nicer to read and people are more likely to comment and help :)
``` php
echo 'your php code...';
will turn into:
echo 'your php code...';
Everyone can contribute to this project. Every pull request will be considered but it can also happen to be declined. To prevent unnecessary work, please consider to create a feature issue first, if you're planning to do bigger changes. Of course you can also create a new feature issue if you're just wishing a feature ;)
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
setConfig | array $config | self | Set the Client configuration. Take a look at config/imap.php for more inspiration. |
getConnection | resource $connection | resource | Get the current imap resource |
isConnected | bool | Determine if connection was established. | |
checkConnection | Determine if connection was established and connect if not. | ||
connect | Connect to server. | ||
reconnect | Terminate and reconnect to server. | ||
disconnect | Disconnect from server. | ||
getFolder | string $folder_name, int $attributes = 32, int or null $delimiter, bool $prefix_address | Folder | Get a Folder instance by name |
getFolders | bool $hierarchical, string or null $parent_folder | FolderCollection | Get folders list. If hierarchical order is set to true, it will make a tree of folders, otherwise it will return flat array. |
openFolder | string or Folder $folder, integer $attempts | Open a given folder. | |
createFolder | string $name | boolean | Create a new folder. |
getQuota | array | Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox | |
getQuotaRoot | string $quota_root | array | Retrieve the quota settings per user |
expunge | bool | Delete all messages marked for deletion | |
setTimeout | string or int $type, int $timeout | boolean | Set the timeout for certain imap operations: 1: Open, 2: Read, 3: Write, 4: Close |
getTimeout | string or int $type | int | Check current mailbox |
setDefaultMessageMask | string $mask | self | Set the default message mask class |
getDefaultMessageMask | string | Get the current default message mask class name | |
setDefaultAttachmentMask | string $mask | self | Set the default attachment mask class |
getDefaultAttachmentMask | string | Get the current default attachment mask class name | |
getFolderPath | string | Get the current folder path |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
parseBody | Message | Parse the Message body | |
delete | boolean $expunge | boolean | Delete the current Message |
restore | boolean $expunge | boolean | Restore a deleted Message |
copy | string $mailbox | boolean | Copy the current Messages to a mailbox |
move | string $mailbox, boolean $expunge | boolean | Move the current Messages to a mailbox |
setFlag | string or array $flag | boolean | Set one or many flags |
unsetFlag | string or array $flag | boolean | Unset one or many flags |
hasTextBody | Check if the Message has a text body | ||
hasHTMLBody | Check if the Message has a html body | ||
getTextBody | string | Get the Message text body | |
getHTMLBody | string | Get the Message html body | |
getAttachments | AttachmentCollection | Get all message attachments | |
hasAttachments | boolean | Checks if there are any attachments present | |
getClient | Client | Get the current Client instance | |
getUid | string | Get the current UID | |
getFetchOptions | string | Get the current fetch option | |
getMsglist | integer | Get the current message list | |
getHeaderInfo | object | Get the current header_info object | |
getHeader | string | Get the current raw header | |
getMessageId | string | Get the current message ID | |
getMessageNo | integer | Get the current message number | |
getPriority | integer | Get the current message priority | |
getSubject | string | Get the current subject | |
getReferences | mixed | Get any potentially present references | |
getDate | Carbon | Get the current date object | |
getFrom | array | Get the current from information | |
getTo | array | Get the current to information | |
getCc | array | Get the current cc information | |
getBcc | array | Get the current bcc information | |
getReplyTo | array | Get the current reply to information | |
getInReplyTo | string | Get the current In-Reply-To | |
getSender | array | Get the current sender information | |
getBodies | mixed | Get the current bodies | |
getRawBody | mixed | Get the current raw message body | |
getFlags | FlagCollection | Get the current message flags | |
is | boolean | Does this message match another one? | |
getStructure | object | The raw message structure | |
getFolder | Folder | The current folder | |
mask | string $mask = null | Mask | Get a masked instance |
setMask | string $mask | Message | Set the mask class |
getMask | string | Get the current mask class name |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
hasChildren | bool | Determine if folder has children. | |
setChildren | array $children | self | Set children. |
delete | Delete the current Mailbox | ||
subscribe | Subscribe to the current Mailbox | ||
unsubscribe | Unsubscribe from the current Mailbox | ||
idle | callable $callback(Message $new_message) | Idle the current folder | |
move | string $mailbox | Move or Rename the current Mailbox | |
rename | string $mailbox | Move or Rename the current Mailbox | |
getStatus | array | Returns status information on the current mailbox | |
examine | array | Returns status information on the current mailbox | |
appendMessage | string $message, string $options, string $internal_date | bool | Append a string message to the current mailbox |
getClient | Client | Get the current Client instance | |
query | string $charset = 'UTF-8' | WhereQuery | Get the current Client instance |
messages | string $charset = 'UTF-8' | WhereQuery | Alias for Folder::query() |
search | string $charset = 'UTF-8' | WhereQuery | Alias for Folder::query() |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
where | mixed $criteria, $value = null | WhereQuery | Add new criteria to the current query |
orWhere | Closure $closure | WhereQuery | If supported you can perform extended search requests |
andWhere | Closure $closure | WhereQuery | If supported you can perform extended search requests |
all | WhereQuery | Select all available messages | |
answered | WhereQuery | Select answered messages | |
deleted | WhereQuery | Select deleted messages | |
new | WhereQuery | Select new messages | |
not | WhereQuery | Not select messages | |
old | WhereQuery | Select old messages | |
recent | WhereQuery | Select recent messages | |
seen | WhereQuery | Select seen messages | |
unanswered | WhereQuery | Select unanswered messages | |
undeleted | WhereQuery | Select undeleted messages | |
unflagged | WhereQuery | Select unflagged messages | |
unseen | WhereQuery | Select unseen messages | |
noXSpam | WhereQuery | Select as no xspam flagged messages | |
isXSpam | WhereQuery | Select as xspam flagged messages | |
language | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given language |
unkeyword | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given unkeyword |
messageId | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given message id |
to | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given receiver (To:) |
text | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given text body |
subject | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given subject |
since | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages since a given date |
on | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages on a given date |
keyword | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given keyword |
from | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given sender (From:) |
flagged | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given flag |
cc | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given receiver (CC:) |
body | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given HTML body |
before | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages before a given date |
bcc | string $value | WhereQuery | Select messages matching a given receiver (BCC:) |
count | integer | Count all available messages matching the current search criteria | |
get | MessageCollection | Fetch messages with the current query | |
limit | integer $limit, integer $page = 1 | WhereQuery | Limit the amount of messages being fetched |
setFetchOptions | boolean $fetch_options | WhereQuery | Set the fetch options |
setFetchBody | boolean $fetch_body | WhereQuery | Set the fetch body option |
setFetchFlags | boolean $fetch_flags | WhereQuery | Set the fetch flags option |
leaveUnread | WhereQuery | Don't mark all messages as "read" while fetching: | |
markAsRead | WhereQuery | Mark all messages as "read" while fetching | |
paginate | int $perPage = 5, $page = null, $pageName = 'imap_page' | LengthAwarePaginator | Paginate the current query. |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
getContent | string or null | Get attachment content | |
getMimeType | string or null | Get attachment mime type | |
getExtension | string or null | Get a guessed attachment extension | |
getId | string or null | Get attachment id | |
getName | string or null | Get attachment name | |
getContent | string or null | Get attachment content | |
setSize | int or null | Get attachment size | |
getType | string or null | Get attachment type | |
getDisposition | string or null | Get attachment disposition | |
getContentType | string or null | Get attachment content type | |
save | string $path, string $filename | boolean | Save the attachment content to your filesystem |
mask | string $mask = null | Mask | Get a masked instance |
setMask | string $mask | Attachment | Set the mask class |
getMask | string | Get the current mask class name |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
getParent | Masked parent | Get the masked parent object | |
getAttributes | array | Get all cloned attributes | |
__get | mixed | Access any cloned parent attribute | |
__set | mixed | Set any cloned parent attribute | |
__inherit | mixed | All public methods of the given parent are callable |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
getHtmlBody | string or null | Get HTML body | |
getCustomHTMLBody | callable or bool $callback | string or null | Get a custom HTML body |
getHTMLBodyWithEmbeddedBase64Images | string or null | Get HTML body with embedded base64 images | |
getHTMLBodyWithEmbeddedUrlImages | string $route_name, array $params = [] | string or null | Get HTML body with embedded routed images |
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
getContentBase64Encoded | string or null | Get attachment content | |
getImageSrc | string or null | Get attachment mime type |
Extends Illuminate\Support\Collection::class
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
paginate | int $perPage = 15, $page = null, $pageName = 'page' | LengthAwarePaginator | Paginate the current collection. |
Extends Illuminate\Support\Collection::class
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
paginate | int $perPage = 15, $page = null, $pageName = 'page' | LengthAwarePaginator | Paginate the current collection. |
Extends Illuminate\Support\Collection::class
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
paginate | int $perPage = 15, $page = null, $pageName = 'page' | LengthAwarePaginator | Paginate the current collection. |
Extends Illuminate\Support\Collection::class
Method | Arguments | Return | Description |
paginate | int $perPage = 15, $page = null, $pageName = 'page' | LengthAwarePaginator | Paginate the current collection. |
Error | Solution |
Kerberos error: No credentials cache file found (try running kinit) (...) | Uncomment "DISABLE_AUTHENTICATOR" inside and use the legacy-imap protocol |
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.