This is the front-end Javascript application for, a fan-developed deckbuilder and community site for the card game Ashes Reborn. The site uses the following frameworks to make developing easier:
- VueJS 3 for Javascript logic
- Tailwind CSS for utility-first styling
First, you will want to install a local copy of the Python API (don't worry, it's not scary!). Please see instructions at (and make sure to perform the steps listed under First Run, as well! You can ignore the rest). You can find API endpoint documentation at your root local API URL, or
Once you have the backend running:
- Copy the file
and name it.env
- In your favorite Terminal, run
npm install
- In your favorite Terminal, run
npm run dev
- Load the URL specified in your browser; defaults to http://localhost:3000
That's it! You've now got an automatic refreshing local copy of the front end application.
npm run dev
: run an auto-reloading, local development servernpm run build
: build a deployable copy of the site (will be saved todist/
The site can be deployed anywhere, since the generated site is wholly static. When building
for production, please remember to set your environment variables properly! In particular,
it is important to set NODE_ENV=production
or your CSS files will be way too large.