R wrapper for the Ghibli API
This package provides access to the Ghibli API from R.
Installation from github requires the devtools package to be installed.
# A use case for finding information on all the cats of Studio Ghibli.
get_ghibli("species") %>%
filter(name=="Cat") %>%
select(id) %>%
get_ghibli("species",id=.) -> tmp
str_detect(tmp,"people") %>% subset(tmp,.) %>%
str_replace("https://ghibliapi.herokuapp.com/people/","") %>%
map(~ get_ghibli("people",.)) %>%
name = map_chr(., "name"),
gender = map_chr(., "gender"),
eye_color = map_chr(., "eye_color"),
hair_color = map_chr(., "hair_color")