React Router for Rails asset pipeline
- React Router version: 0.13.3
- Add to your
and install with bundler:
gem 'react-router-rails', '~>'
bundle install
- Require the modified React-Router javascript file in
//= require react_router
// OR
//= require react_router.min
//Optional. Gives you the ability to use the view helper in your template
//= require react_router_ujs
Or in app/assets/javascripts/
#= require react_router
#= require react_router.min
#Optional. Gives you the ability to use the view helper in your template
#= require react_router_ujs
- Using the view helper:
Define your routes 'MyRoutes' in your react components folder, like you would normally do:
var Route = ReactRouter.Route;
this.MyRoutes = (
<Route handler={App}>
<Route name='home' handler={Home} path='/' />
In the view helper set the name of your routes component
<%= react_router 'MyRoutes' %>
Optionally set the location handler (defaults to HashLocation):
<%= react_router 'MyRoutes', 'HistoryLocation' %>
If you use server rendering:
<%= react_router 'MyRoutes', 'HistoryLocation', {}, { prerender_location: path_to_route } %>
- Using React Router in your javascript :, function (Handler) {
ReactDOM.render(<Handler/>, document.body);
Or in coffeescript:, (Handler) ->
ReactDOM.render <Handler/>, document.body
- Better handle of production version
Instead of explicit require minified version, we should make it possible to configure that in the environment config files like the react-rails configuration (ex. config.react_router_variant = :production)
This gem is highly inspired and based on React Rails code. Thanks!
A big thanks to @troter who implemented the server-side rendering engine for this gem.
React Router by Ryan Florence, Michael Jackson licensed under the MIT license
Copyright Mario Peixoto, released under the MIT license.