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Opinionated extension of moneyphp/money with Doctrine types


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OnMoon Money

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OnMoon Money is an opinionated wrapper around MoneyPHP Money:


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

composer require onmoon/money


On top of the wonderful API of the original, more strictness and some additional features are added.

Money classes can be extended and used as Doctrine Embeddables

The MoneyPHP objects are final, so you can't create your own domain value objects adding more semantics to the code:


namespace App\Application\Service;

use Money\Money;

class InvoiceService
    public function calculateFee(Money $amount) : Money

With OnMoon Money you can do this:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;

class InvoiceAmount extends Money

namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;

class InvoiceFee extends Money

namespace App\Application\Service;

use App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceAmount;
use App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceFee;

class InvoiceService
    public function calculateFee(InvoiceAmount $amount) : InvoiceFee

Also MoneyPHP Money class stores Currency internally as an object, that is a problem for mapping value objects in Doctrine using embeddables, as the Money object is itself an embeddable and you get nested embeddables:


namespace Money;

final class Money implements \JsonSerializable
     * @var Currency
    private $currency;


OnMoon Money class stores currency internally as a string, and can be mapped as one embeddable using the provided Doctrine Types:


namespace OnMoon\Money;

abstract class BaseMoney
    /** @var string */
    private $amount;

    /** @var string */
    private $currency;

<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""

    <embeddable name="My\Awesome\MoneyClass">
        <field name="amount" type="money" column="income" nullable="false" />
        <field name="currency" type="currency" column="income_currency" nullable="false" />

Money is created only from strings in strict formats depending on the currency

MoneyPHP allows creating Money objects from a wide range of inputs and requires the input amount to be in subunits of the currency. There is no check how many subunits the currency actually has. This requires you to perform validation and checks in your code and can be error-prone.


use Money\Money;
use Money\Currency;

$money = new Money(100, new Currency('EUR')); // 1 Euro
$money = new Money(100.00, new Currency('EUR')); // 1 Euro
$money = new Money('100', new Currency('EUR')); // 1 Euro
$money = new Money('100.00', new Currency('EUR')); // 1 Euro
$money = new Money('100.00', new Currency('XBT')); // 0.00000100 Bitcoins

OnMoon Money instead accepts ammounts only as strings containing the monetary amount in a human-readable format and strictly enforces the format depending on the currency used.


use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\GaapMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Bitcoin;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

$money = Money::create('100', Currency::create('BIF')); // 100 Burundi Francs
$money = Money::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // 100 Euros
$money = GaapMoney::create('100.000', Currency::create('IQD')); // 100 Iraqi Dinars
$money = Bitcoin::create('100.00000000', Currency::create('XBT')); // 100 Bitcoins

$money = Money::create(100, Currency::create('EUR')); // Error, invalid type
$money = Money::create(100.00, Currency::create('EUR')); // Error, invalid type
$money = Money::create('100', Currency::create('EUR')); // Error, no subunits specified
$money = Money::create('100.0', Currency::create('EUR')); // Error, not all subunits specified
$money = Money::create('100.000', Currency::create('EUR')); // Error, too many subunits specified

The same API, but strictly typed

MoneyPHP Money:

Money\Money::multiply($multiplier, $roundingMode = self::ROUND_HALF_UP)
Money\Money::allocate(array $ratios)

OnMoon Money:

OnMoon\Money\Money::multiply(string $multiplier, int $roundingMode = LibMoney::ROUND_UP) : self
OnMoon\Money\Money::allocate(string ...$ratios) : array


Custom validation for your code extending the library classes with meaningful messages


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use Money\Currencies;
use Money\Currencies\CurrencyList;
use OnMoon\Money\BaseMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;
use OnMoon\Money\Exception\CannotCreateMoney;

class InvoiceIncome extends Money
    public static function humanReadableName() : string
        return 'Invoice Income';

    protected static function amountMustBeZeroOrGreater() : bool
        return true;

    protected static function getAllowedCurrencies() : Currencies
        return new CurrencyList(['EUR' => 2, 'USD' => 2]);

    protected static function validate(BaseMoney $money) : void
        if ($money->getCurrency()->getCode() === 'EUR' &&
            $money->greaterThan(Money::create('50.00', $money->getCurrency()))
        ) {
            throw new CannotCreateMoney('Cannot exceed 50.00 for EUR currency');

$invoiceIncome = InvoiceIncome::create('100.00', Currency::create('RUB')); // Error: Invalid Invoice Income with amount: 100.00 and currency: RUB. Currency not allowed.
$invoiceIncome = InvoiceIncome::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // Error: Cannot exceed 50.00 for EUR currency
$invoiceIncome = InvoiceIncome::create('-100.00', Currency::create('USD')); // Error: Invalid Invoice Income with amount: -100.00 and currency: USD. Amount must be zero or greater.
$invoiceIncome = InvoiceIncome::create('100.00', Currency::create('USD')); // ok


For beginning, you should make yourself familiar with the MoneyPHP Money documentation

Currency classes

OnMoon Money provies a class for representing currency values: OnMoon\Money\Currency.

To create a currency object you will need the currency code:


use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

$euroCode = 'EUR';

$euro = Currency::create($euroCode);

Money classes

The API of a OnMoon Money class is the same as the MoneyPHP Money class:

You can create your own Money classes with your own semantics:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;

class InvoiceAmount extends Money

You can create an instance of the specific Money class by using the named constructor:


use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;
use App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceAmount;

$money = Money::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // instance of OnMoon\Money\Money
$money = InvoiceAmount::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // instance of App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceAmount


The library provies three base classes that you can use directly or extend from:

OnMoon\Money\Money - can work with currencies with up to 2 subunits

OnMoon\Money\GaapMoney - can work with currencies with up to 4 subunits and conforms with the GAAP standard

OnMoon\Money\BTC - can work with 8 subunits and is restricted to the Bitcoin (XBT) currency

Depending on the base class you use or extend from, some currencies may be unavailable due to requiring more subunits than the base class can work with.

You should choose the base class depending on the currencies that your application will use with the money class.


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\GaapMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class InvoiceAmount extends Money

class InvoiceFee extends GaapMoney

$money = InvoiceAmount::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = InvoiceAmount::create('100.000', Currency::create('BHD')); // error
$money = InvoiceFee::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = InvoiceFee::create('100.000', Currency::create('BHD')); // ok

If you need your own custom subunit amount you can extend any Money class and implement the classSubunits method.


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class InvoiceAmount extends Money
    protected static function classSubunits() : int
        return 0;

$money = InvoiceAmount::create('100', Currency::create('DJF')); // ok
$money = InvoiceAmount::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

Remember, that you cannot use Money classes of different subunits in the Money class API:

namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class TwoSubunitMoney extends Money
    protected static function subUnits() : int
        return 2;

class FourSubunitMoney extends Money
    protected static function subUnits() : int
        return 4;

$twoSubunitMoney = TwoSubunitMoney::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR'));
$otherTwoSubunitMoney = TwoSubunitMoney::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR'));

$twoSubunitMoney->add($otherTwoSubunitMoney); // ok

$fourSubunitMoney = FourSubunitMoney::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR'));

$twoSubunitMoney->add($fourSubunitMoney); // error


On top of the validation provided by the base classes, you can enforce additional constraints in your extended classes.

By implementing one of the following methods:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class PositiveAmountMoney extends Money
    protected static function amountMustBeZeroOrGreater() : bool
        return true;

$money = PositiveAmountMoney::create('0.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = PositiveAmountMoney::create('-0.01', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

class GreaterThanZeroAmountMoney extends Money
    protected static function amountMustBeGreaterThanZero() : bool
        return true;

$money = GreaterThanZeroAmountMoney::create('0.01', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = GreaterThanZeroAmountMoney::create('0.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

class ZeroOrLessAmountMoney extends Money
    protected static function amountMustBeZeroOrLess() : bool
        return true;

$money = ZeroOrLessAmountMoney::create('0.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = ZeroOrLessAmountMoney::create('0.01', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

class NegativeAmountMoney extends Money
    protected static function amountMustBeLessThanZero() : bool
        return true;

$money = NegativeAmountMoney::create('-0.01', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = NegativeAmountMoney::create('0.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

If you need more complex validation logic, implement the following method:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\BaseMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Exception\CannotCreateMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class ComplexValidationMoney extends Money
    protected static function validate(BaseMoney $money) : void
        if ($money->getCurrency()->getCode() === 'EUR' &&
            $money->greaterThan(Money::create('50.00', $money->getCurrency()))
        ) {
            throw new CannotCreateMoney('Cannot work with Euros if amount is greater than 50.00');

$money = ComplexValidationMoney::create('40.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // ok
$money = ComplexValidationMoney::create('51.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

You can also specify the list of currencies that are allowed for a Money class and all classes that extend from it:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use Money\Currencies;
use Money\Currencies\CurrencyList;
use OnMoon\Money\BaseMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Exception\CannotCreateMoney;
use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class OnlyUsdMoney extends Money
    protected static function getAllowedCurrencies() : Currencies
        return new CurrencyList(['USD' => 2]);

$money = OnlyUsdMoney::create('50.00', Currency::create('USD')); // ok
$money = OnlyUsdMoney::create('50.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // error

The default classes provided by the library support the following currencies:

OnMoon\Money\Money - All ISO currencies with 0-2 subunits

OnMoon\Money\GaapMoney - All ISO currencies with 0-4 subunits

OnMoon\Money\BTC - Only XBT with 8 subunits

All operations on the Money class that change the amount will return the base class instead of the extended, as the resulting amount can violate the invariants of the extended class:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;
use OnMoon\Money\Currency;

class MyMoney extends Money
    protected static function amountMustBeZeroOrGreater() : bool
        return true;

$money      = MyMoney::create('100.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // instance of App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\MyMoney
$otherMoney = MyMoney::create('200.00', Currency::create('EUR')); // instance of App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\MyMoney

$sum = $money->subtract($otherMoney); // returns instance of OnMoon\Money\Money

Error handling

Exceptions thrown by OnMoon money classes are extended from two base exceptions:

  • OnMoon\Money\Exception\MoneyLogicError - Errors that represent a logic error in your code and should be avoided in production, error messages should not be shown to the user.
  • OnMoon\Money\Exception\MoneyRuntimeError - Errors that represent a runtime error in your code and can depend on user input. You can use them safely to display errors to the user.

Examples of OnMoon\Money\Exception\MoneyRuntimeError error messages:

  • Invalid Money with amount: 100.00 and currency: RUB. Currency not allowed.
  • Invalid Money with amount: 50.000 and currency: EUR. Invalid amount format. The correct format is: /^-?\d+.\d{2}$/.
  • Invalid Money with amount: -11.00 and currency: USD. Amount must be greater than zero.

You can make theese messages even more helpful, by implementing the humanReadableName method in your Money Classes:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Transaction\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;

class TransactionFee extends Money
    public static function humanReadableName() : string
        return 'Transaction Fee';

The error messages then will look like this:

  • Invalid Transaction Fee with amount: 100.00 and currency: RUB. Currency not allowed.
  • Invalid Transaction Fee with amount: 50.000 and currency: EUR. Invalid amount format. The correct format is: /^-?\d+.\d{2}$/.
  • Invalid Transaction Fee with amount: -11.00 and currency: USD. Amount must be greater than zero.

If you want to catch all exceptions thrown by OnMoon Money, including the exceptions of the underlying MoneyPHP Money code - use the Money\Exception interface.

Using the library with Symfony and Doctrine

The library provides four Doctrine types to persist the Money and Currency objects to the database:

  • OnMoon\Money\Type\BTCMoneyType - Should be used only for classes extending OnMoon\Money\BTC
  • OnMoon\Money\Type\GaapMoneyType - Should be used only for classes extending OnMoon\Money\GaapMoney
  • OnMoon\Money\Type\MoneyType - Should be used only for classes extending OnMoon\Money\Money
  • OnMoon\Money\Type\CurrencyType - Should be used only for classes extending OnMoon\Money\Curency

The rule of thumb for Type classes mapping the Money object is that the Type class decimal precision should be equal to the Money class subunits. If they will be different, you will get other amounts from the database than previously saved.

Example code



namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice;

use App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceIncome;

class Invoice
    /** @var InvoiceIncome $income */
    private $income;

    public function __construct(InvoiceIncome $income)
        $this->income = $income;
    public function income() : InvoiceIncome
        return $this->income();    

Value object:


namespace App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject;

use OnMoon\Money\Money;

class InvoiceIncome extends Money


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<container xmlns=""

            <doctrine:type name="money">OnMoon\Money\Type\MoneyType</doctrine:type>
            <doctrine:type name="currency">OnMoon\Money\Type\CurrencyType</doctrine:type>

Entity mapping:

<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""

    <entity name="App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\Invoice" table="invoices">
        <embedded name="income" class="App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceIncome" use-column-prefix="false" />

Value object mapping:

<doctrine-mapping xmlns=""

    <embeddable name="App\Domain\Entity\Invoice\ValueObject\InvoiceIncome">
        <field name="amount" type="money" column="income" nullable="false" />
        <field name="currency" type="currency" column="income_currency" nullable="false" />