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Coding should be fun!

@onnimonni dotfiles. I'm full stack developer but I mainly work on devops and backend. These are my configs. This is personal backup for myself but hopefully you find it useful too.

Big thanks for @anttiviljami for years of guidance. I hope someday I will learn to play vimgolf but until then I will need these cheats.

Stuff which is probably useful only for me

  • Custom keyboard mappings with karabiner-elements
  • This includes my own keyboard layout based on Dvorak ( I implemented small tweaks for finnish language ).

Installation on fresh MacOS

# Ensure that you run the latest MacOS available
$ softwareupdate -l 2>&1 | grep 'No new software available.' || sudo softwareupdate --install --all --restart --verbose

# Install Xcode Command line tools to get git
$ xcode-select --install

# Clone the dotfiles and run the installation script
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles

$ ~/.dotfiles/

Initial installation

You need to uncomment { nix.linux-builder.enable = true; } and comment nix-rosetta-builder.darwinModules.default and run the:

$ darwin-rebuild switch --flake .

Then toggle the comments in the code above and build again. This will allow your Apple Silicon laptop to build to linux-x86-64 targets.

To update Nix flake

I followed this tutorial to get started with Nix on MacOS.

$ darwin-rebuild switch --flake .

Setup UTM so that Mac can build x86_64-linux servers

Download latest NixOS Minimal ISO for 64-bit ARM:

cd ~/Downloads
# This version might have changed
curl -O

Then open the UTM and launch the new VM Start -> Virtualize -> Linux

Then select: [x] Use Apple Virtualization [x] Enable Rosetta (x86_64 Emulation)

And select your Boot ISO image which you downloaded earlier and start the VM.

First in the VM run:

$ sudo su
$ passwd
# type 'root' as password
$ ip -4 addr show
# Copy the ipv4 address so that you can then continue on the host machine terminal

On host machine

# Install your ssh keys into the VM
$ ssh-copy-id root@<ipv4-addr-here>

After installation config

  1. Create new ssh key in Secretive
  2. Copy the public key into ~/.ssh/
  3. Add it into Github as new SSH key both as signing key and authentication key

Update configs

# This only works in fish shell
$ update-dotfiles

Update the latest brew installations from homebrow to Brewfile

$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ brew bundle dump --force


Use these dotfiles as you want to. Sharing is caring!