Releases: ooade/react-rough
Avoid unnecessary rerendering of Rough Components
Prior to this version, you would have to wrap each Rough Components (Rectangle, Circle, ...) on your own with memo
to prevent it from re-rendering when one of the components changes. We made sure to take care of that for you.
Also, we were using a function from useEffect to get the renderer type which was less performant. We also made sure to avoid that as well.
The one with Rough v4
Bumped Rough version to support
- Seeding
- No strokes (stroke value of
) - Faster and better algorithm
Thanks to the Roughjs team for these awesome updates 🎉
Magnolia 🔥
What's new about this release:
- Maintains Roughjs default signature.
- It was re-written with Typescript in strict mode. It's fully typed.
- Integrated Storybook with Typescript doc gen and knobs to help users build fast.
Big Shout out @ashinzekene for his help with this release.
🚨Breaking changes from previous version (v1+) 🚨
Version 2 Beta Release
Version 2 comes with exciting features. We decided to make a pre-release before an official release so we could try it out and give feedback, and we also need to add a few more things.
What do we get from this release:
- Renderer: one of the hottest features in the release. With this, we could decide to render as svg instead of the regular canvas. Canvas is default tho. #128
- redraw method to take care of animation with Rough Components. #127
- Exporting Components which would take care of tree shaking #126
Thanks to @paradoxxxzero and @MiroslavPetrik for these updates. We owe it to them 🎉
Lust - First Stable Release
- Proper Components Structure
- Adequate Tests with Jest
- Test Code Coverage
- Proper Errors for non supported inputs
Have Fun 🎉
Mono Components and Poly Components support
How to use:
npm install react-rough@next
V1 First Prerelease
The new API comes with a breaking change. It's not intended, but it's for the best.
npm install react-rough@next
For now ReactRough takes render
prop and gives you the rough canvas instance, so you could do whatever you wish with it.
This API will not likely change so it's safe to use. I'd just add Rough Components (Circle, Arc, e.t.c), work on docs and make a full release.
import ReactRough from 'react-rough'
render={rc => {, 120, 50) // centerX, centerY, diameter
rc.ellipse(300, 100, 150, 80) // centerX, centerY, width, height
rc.line(80, 120, 300, 100) // x1, y1, x2, y2
First Beta Version
v0.1.3 eslintignore rough
Document.createElement Version
- cleans up DOM when Unmounted
- returns
; no component returned - allow nested components