This is a read me example.
This is a way to make a h1~h6 tag.
h1 have 1 "#"sign
h2 have 2 "##" sign
and so on....
This is a example about readme link. We have 2 ways can make links.
Use the [ and ] sign cover the link text .
[ put the link text in here ]
Then use ( and ) sign cover the link's url
It looks like this
[ put the link text in here ](url here ).
You can see the link below the link go to google search.
Use the [ and ] sign cover the link text .
[put the link text here way 2].
Then alternate it in different line.
And use : sign after the link text.
It look like this:
[put the link text here way 2] <----link text
[put the link text here way 2]:url here <---- alternate
You can see the link below the link go to google search.
In this example here we will show how to make am em tag
Now you can see the content "em tag" have a gary background..
Way 1:
You need to use `sign to cover you want to have content..
Way 2:
And this em tag can use in the link content
'This is a link jave gray background'.
This is an example to show how to make a command line block
First you need break a line and tap one time or indent 4
This is a command line block:
npm install sass
This is an example to show how to make a command line block.
Use the three ` sign then put the language in back and cover it.
It looks like this:
``` scss
code here
this is code 1..
@mixin table-scaffolding {
th {
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
td, th { padding: 2px; }
@mixin left($dist) {
float: left;
margin-left: $dist;
#data {
@include left(10px);
@include table-scaffolding;